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    thn Sanyu start to remains in her house completely in herself does'nt go to work, rarely talk to anyone nd always remains in deep thnkng, if anyone tries to talk to her she jst says tht she wants to remain alone like ths many days gone bt nthng changed nd one day Rd comes to Sanyu's house nd says to watchmen
Rd: i want to meet Sanyu
bt watchmen does'nt allow nd calls Sanyu's brother ankit nd ankit says to Rd
Ankit:why do u want to meet Sanyu
Rd: i jst wnt to meet
Ankit: bt she does'nt want to meet anyone so go frm hr
before Rd say somethng Ankit close the door on his face on the other hand Sanyu listen all ths nd she comes thr bt too late Rd ws gone nd she says to Ankit
Sanyu:why did u doesn't alow him to come
Ankit:bt Sanyu i thnk u dnt want to meet anyone
Sanyu: anyone! hw cn u say him anyone he helped me so much nd i hd nt thanked hm still
Ankit:sry Sanyu it wll nt happen nxt time
Sanyu: next time! Leave it
thn Ankit was saying listen Sanyu again nd again bt Sanyu does'nt listen anythng nd goes to her room nd again lost in herself nd her thoughts. 

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