Chapter One- Macallia

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(A/N: All credits go to the amazing James Dashner for writing the best novels ever. Happy reading and all hail gladers)

(3rd Person POV)

"Brenda can you hear me?" Minho whispered into the speaker embedded in his headphones.

"Brenda speaking whaddup captain. About 10 men with weapons outside heading towards area 33A about 200 meters away from your location."

"Good that " Minho nodded.
"Minho speaking Wolves listen up, we have guests coming our way. Blair , Taylor, I need you to get the grenades ready in case-"

"Roger" They say in unison.

"Thomas see if there's anymore men in the building. If there is kill all but take one as hostage. Sniper Lindy I need you to cover us but wait for my signal. The rest of the shucks meet me at area 33B. We're gonna bring em to the getaway trucks outside the building and get them to headquarters. Understood?"

"Good that"

"Aye aye captain"

"Can we go now?"

"You have 30 seconds to get here so shut up and stop prancing around like shuck ballerinas" Minho says in a gruff voice.

-30 seconds later-

"Okay we can do this." Minho whispered.





Minho ran quietly towards the men and silently grabbed one of them, knocking him out. Newt kicks one of them from behind and injects him with a sleeping antidote. The rest ninja'ed their way to the rest of the men and in no time all ten men were asleep.

"Blair, Taylor no need for the grenades. These slintheads are in la la land already," Lindy smirks, " good job captain, good job guys meet ya downstairs"

They dash to the doors like lightning bringing the heavy men with them. Soon they were off to the headquarters, job done easy peasy without using weapons.

|Later on.....|

" Captain Minho "

" Aye Aye, Major"

"Hailey" Major nods

"Thomas and Brenda?"

"Here" The couple say in unison.


"The name's Newt, Major"

"Blair, Taylor, Lindy? All here?"


The eight were in Major's (Director of the organisation) office, not knowing the reason why they were called.

"Minho can you please explain how you planned the ambush and how the eight of you managed to complete within 6 minutes?" Major asked while drumming the table with his fat fingers impatiently.

"You see, Major we waited for them to come across area 33B because its cornered, and the distance between area 33B and the guards is quite a distance, about 250 metres. So while we knock them out we have snipers watching the guards, around the area for other men, and our teammates just did it like that. I guess." Minho explained.
"Very impressive Captain." Minho wasn't sure if Major was sarcastic, " So if this team can perform better than our Special Force why not I give you a chance. Find Chancellor Paige of WICKED. Do whatever plan you have in those shuck brains. I want her back in prison alive, not dead . I'm going to give you, let's say about a few months to plan and carry out your plan. Clear?"

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