Chapter Two -telepathy and fistfights-

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"Faster greenie"

Macallia pants hard as she continued her extra pushups. Yep the greenie was indeed the last one to finish the 5 mile run. The captain smirks as he thought the greenie was nothing compared to his klunk.
What kind of captain are you. Hatred seeped through Macallia's brain and she glared at the grinning captain. Hatred seeped through Macallia's brain and she glared at the grinning captain.

Suddenly a voice rang in her head.

Don't forget I can hear you

She shook her head.

Wait what? We're all telepathic?
This couldn't be. Scientists have proved that telepathy doesn't exist...

"Okay ur done with your pushups"
Minho said.

"Um captain?"

What is it? The same voice appears in her head. She gasped. She looked at her captain. She tried doing the same thing.

Are... we she tried all her might to draw a question mark.

"Yes we are. And its not just you and I . We all are." Minho explains. Macallia's eyes were wide open. "Wait so whatever I think of it appears in your heads?" This wasnt good for her.

"Well, you have to picture the sentences in your head then picture the person who u want to communicate with. But it will only work for the nine of us." Blair says further.

So whatever i think of our stupid captain goes to him too...

"I can hear that too"


"And that too"

Any word that most describes Minho.

Her eyes turned into a sinister glare as her mouth thinned and her eyes narrowed. "Mr Minho. You may be the shuckin captain but you don't mistreat your teammates. I could sue you for this." Macallia gritted her teeth. Obviously, this girl was not used to the captain's training, or will she not.

"Hmmm," Minho took a sip of his water and took a glance of his fellow teammates. Thomas was giving him the don't you dare look, Newt was bellowing swear words in his head, Taylor's eyes were wide open, Hailey was happily snickering and Lindy's face showed no sign of emotion.

As for Macallia, she thought she was pretty much the most unfortunate girl in the world. And you havent seen the most of the captain, and the new girl.

"You Asian piece of sht....." a blaze of indignation burned furiously in her eyes. Minho's eyes widened and tilted his head slightly to the side and questioned," excuse me? You call me a sexist well then young lady I call you a racist" He raised his eyebrows and laughed, " well then you should know that this Asian piece of sht can jolly well leave you injured huggin your tummy callin your mommy." And in a few strides he sent a stinging slap to her.

Macallia put her hand on where the slap was. Anger, fury, hatred seeped through her brain. "Enough," she seethed with rage," is enough."

The first punch glanced Minho's chin. The second one nearly knocked the wind out of him. Minho grunted and grabbed her arms, and pushed her on the ground. Macallia kicked him in the gut. Hard.

It was a heck of a shot. Outside of having the wind knocked from him, which he always hated, Minho noticed a fair amount of pain with the gutshot, which was something he wasn't used to. Actually, no one in the team ever dared to have a fist fight with him.

"Macallia behind you!" Hailey shouted.

Minho kicked the back of her leg and pinned her down to the ground. She pounded on his chest repeatedly but to no avail.

"Listen up. Don't you freaking mess with me or I will, literally do what you just did to me and I promise it'll be 10 times harder." A note of finality was obvious.

"son of a b****"

"Oh so you want me to do it now huh?" Minho smirks and clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white.

"I don't understand. Why are you so mean to me? Why do you despise me so much that you have to treat me like crap on my first day in this stupid place?" Macallia buried her head in her hands. Minho looked at Thomas.
"Tell her," he tilted his head towards her.





"Wait what? This is your captains training style? What I can't even imagine what a dumb shank he is. I'm still 16 okay and I can sue him for child abuse as well as threatening to kick me in my you know what"

"Isn't that because you kicked him first?" Thomas says, "oh and that was a very bold fistfight by the way, very impressing."

Thomas tried explaining Minho's training style but again, Macallia refused to understand. She takes a sip of her water and sat down on the bench not far away from the training grounds.

"Thomas!" Minho yells over, jogging towards them. " you can take over, greenie and I got alot of things to talk about eh?"
Macallia glared at him but he put his arms out in surrender. "Whoops,did I do somethin wroooong?" *duck face*

Macallia folded her arms and kicked the dirt on the ground to Minho's shoes.

"Hey. We're survivors you know that. Basically our only target is to bring down WICKED and after that you can do whatever you want no one cares. But for now just concentrate on the team, don't talk back to me, no arguing, do what I say and I promise I won't have to have a fistfight with you again. And you be kickin me in the you know what. Oh as for my so called name 'Asian piece of sht' its just me having the Asian pride in me. Whatever. You have 28 more pushups." His shoulder brushed against hers as he walked past her.

"Oh yeah," he turned around. Macallia looked at him. " I need your number."

Oh My God he wanted my number is he gonna ask me out hell nooooooo Macallia screamed in her head, happening to forget the telepathic connection.

"Oh I was just gonna add you in the groupchat"

"Okay. 173826488"
( A/N: please that is not my number so don't try)

"Cool. Bye."






Updated again yeyyyyy.

I need ideas.

should Macallia be with Minho
Or should Brenda or someone else win the heart of Minho. Hahahhahaha
Anyone watched Scorch Trials??? OMG I haven't watched yet but I'm sure its awesome
Oh and my friend Olivia and I wrote a Scorch Trials song maybe I'll share it with you guys some day.
Remember to check out my other book, No Regrets!
Oh also if someone is a pro at making book covers and will be kind enough to contact me pleaseeee do my photo editing skills suck. Alot.

Thank you for reading my klunky books and I'll see you laterrrr


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