chapter 5: letters

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Brenda's POV:

I've just stretched and got warmed up, ready for training yayy!
Then I hear a knock on my door, and walked over to open it.

"Yes?" I say while opening the door and who do I see?

Not Thomas but the captain Minho.

Look this has not happened since I've joined the team. Usually captain stays very independent so he doesn't go knocking on doors all the time. Thomas also told me he just knocked on Macallia's door and gave her a shuckin note!!!

"Good morning Minho, how can I help you?" I plastered a reeeeaally 'sweet' smile on my face. Minho rolled his eyes and groaned. "He told you."


"Yes he did. Shall we go downstairs? Have you ate your breakfast?"

"Uh yes actually. I ah have a habit of early breakfast." He said as-matter-of-factly.

I looked at my watch. 7:45.

"Training starts at 8." I reminded him.

He shrugged his shoulders and closed his eyes. Then I heard a voice seeping into my head. Another telepathic message.

Training starts at 10.30 today. Meet me in the conference room at 10 sharp.

"Roger that."



"So," I leaned back on my chair. We were in the cafe downstairs he insisted on for I don't know why.
"If you've apologised to her already why freak out?"

"I don't know! I just feel weird after writing that stupid note. Its like I prefer to hate on her than being nice to her."

"Does she make you feel weird?"

"Obviously!" He does that 'throw my hands up in the air like i just don't care" thing I see when he's annoyed.

"Then you like her." I smirked.

"Then you do now"

"I don't"

"You do" I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Whatever! But I'm just asking you what to do if she writes back."

He is one childish captain.

"Why do you act like a kid"

No offence, but if I had a daughter she would know how to react.

"Because I've never wrote such a stupid apology note to a girl? And by the way if you heard, she called me an asian piece of shit. Apparently my dad was korean."

"And then?" I asked.

"He died when I was three."

"Sorry.." i didnt know that.

"Nah its okay. But I still dislike her. But I promised to be nice for a day. And I don't think I can do it."

"Well, I think you can do it. As a matter of fact, I did dislike Thomas when we were in the scorch."

"What? Dude you kissed him right after you guys said hi !"

"Well we were in a weird house with cranks, away from you guys. Then we were forced to drink something. Drugged. Then I started imagining things then I kissed Thomas. Just after that when he opened his eyes he told me that I wasn't her."

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