Chapter 6:

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Macallia closes the door behind her and walks towards the stairs. She was heading to the 24 hour provision store to get snacks.

The building was deserted by midnight. Almost. There was not a soul around. Except for the 24 hour provision store and the emergency medical team. Or so she thought.

"Hello," She walked into the store. A teenager , about the same age popped up from under the counter.

"Ma'am its so late out here, aren't you supposed to be asleep" She asked.

Macallia took two bags of chips off the shelf and puts it on the counter.

"Well I suppose I'll store these suckers under my bed for late night snacks" she shrugged.

"Are you new here?"

"Yes I am. And you?"

"Oh I just came in yesterday" she smiled.

"I'm Macallia." She shook her hand.

"I'm Harriet "

"Here's the cash, nice meeting you. I'd better be going" She grinned and turns her head and heads toward the door.

"I don't think so."

As Macallia turned around, she felt a blow and blood streamed down the back of her head, neck and trickling down her spine. She collapsed onto the cold cement floor.

Despite the fact that her head was bleeding badly- Hariett had hit the back of her head with a glass bottle.
The girl grabbed her by the sleeve,ramming her against the shelves.

"Where is subject A7"

"I have no idea what you're talking about"

"I saw you." Harriet trembled. "You made him suffer, and it's all your fault."

"What do you mean? Please I don't know anything!" Macallia whimpered. Ignoring her, Hariett  tied up both hands and feet with firm duct tape and also taped her mouth.

"Listen up Mia. I know who you are. Stop acting like a bi*ch and confess.You know what the shit it wrong with you."

What the hell. Macallia thought.

Wait. The telepathy communication.

MINHO Im in the provision store and I got attacked by a woman called Hariett . Guys you need--


"Mmmhmmmbmmmmmmm" Macallia obviously struggled to talk while being taped up.

The tape was ripped off causing a red mark to stay.

"Please you're gonna get into trouble like this, I am not Mia I am Macallia Hunter I have Russian, French, American, and Korean blood, I have never heard of you before, and I swear I've never done anything to get me almost killed."

Still Hariett was emotionless and right away she sent a stinging slap across her face.
"Just try lying again and you'll be sorry. Oh Mia..." Hariett sighed and pulled out a knife from her pocket. With small strokes she traced the edges of her face with the sharp edged knife, over and over again. The fearless Macallia somehow felt a wave of terror wash over her, as tears mixed with blood streamed down her face. She closed her eyes and let the tears flow down her blood dyed shirt.

"I swear," Macallia quivered," this is a total misunderstanding. Please I beg you just tell me what did I do to make you attack me.."

"You still haven't learnt your lesson" And with that she raised the knife....

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