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Morgan Hersh had, like most people, pictured her life being totally different when she was younger.

She'd been so naive, bright eyed and bushy tailed in her youth, with dreams of becoming the first woman in her family to stray away from the inherited business in medicine and become an actress.
Obviously her parents hadn't been happy but they'd loved her enough to let her try; keeping the business running themselves, until their daughter would get over her fantasies and come to terms with real life.
Morgan thought differently and after her first audition (and first rejection) she'd been set on her path and persisted.
Soon, the rejections piled up and so did the bills and for the first time, Morgan had to resort to complete desperation. She would've gone back to the family business, had she not already taken that first step into the dark side of reality... She wouldn't have had to have given up her virtue and become an actress of the more unconventional sort.

Morgan had pictured a different life, she'd never had thought she'd become a porn star after her first movie.
Still young.
Still stupid.
Still set on a dream and persistent as ever.
Stuck in a life that she'd never pictured and soon faced with her first real life problem:
Whether to give up the baby or not.

Morgan was too ashamed to ask for help from her parents; by now they'd be reeling in disgust at what she'd become.
Morgan was not apathetic enough to take a life so she made her first big commitment.
Morgan decided to keep the baby.
Her first child, Jane Hersh, was born on a calm September morning (the first day of spring).
It was hard to cope in the beginning but it was a choice she never regretted because for the first time in Morgan Hersh's life, she was happy.
So she, singlehandedly, raised her beautiful baby girl, who she currently stood next to, in front of looming gates on her daughter's first day of school.
"Are you excited sunshine?" Morgan asked.
Little Jane smiled her biggest smile, missing teeth, gums and all, and reassured her mother in a rush of jumbled words that accurately translated her excitement. She gave her mother a quick hug and sloppy kiss on the cheek, before running past the gates and into the assembly hall with all the other kids.
Morgan watched the best thing that had ever come out of her miserable life, start her journey to growing up and shed a few tears. Then she wiped them away, regained her cool composure and smiled like she hadn't trusted a bunch of random strangers,  with a few qualifications behind their names, to take care of her most priceless ray of sunshine.
She walked away and headed back to their apartment.

Morgan Hersh's life, like most people's, had been full of fatal firsts.
She never became a proper actress.
She never took over the family business.
But she never regretted it all...
Not one

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