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Sometimes Quinn sat and pondered about her life.
It usually occured when she was presented with a new situation or another way of getting by. Currently, she had just been asked out.

Now Quinn was the type of girl who never stuck around long enough to get asked out but more than that, she was a loyal friend. It was this loyalty that put her in a resort for 16 days helping her friend nurse a hangover, courtesy of the douche who'd left her at the alter. Quinn had discarded her 'two weeks in one place' rule and only two days later Brad was asking her out.
This seemed like good news and Quinn's friend seemed to think so too. In fact, helping Quinn get ready for her date made her happier then she'd been since her fiance had run away.
Quinn didn't have the heart to tell her friend that she didn't like Brad.

In fact:
Quinn didn't have feelings for anyone. And she was okay with that.
Quinn liked being alone.
She had planned on being alone for the rest of her life. It was a plan she would not change for just anyone. Call it unrealistic but she kept hoping one day she'd meet the one and have a reason to change her plans.
"Where to, miss?" Asked the taxi cab driver.
"The airport please," she replied.
Quinn stared at herself in the car reflection, past the enchantment of the night life and onto the exhausted face of a girl always on the run. All prettied up for a date she'd never arrive at and guilty for the friend she'd left behind; hopeful in a hotel that only sustained her misery.
She knew her friend would find someone new. She was that type of girl.
Destined to be happily in love.
Quinn was not that type of girl.
Maybe it was because of all the failed relationships around her and maybe it was because she was scared of commitment. The reason didn't matter because deep down, Quinn knew she liked being alone. Not lonely. Just alone. With lots of friends to fill the gaps and tons of little pleasures to compensate for a larger one. She had resigned herself to the fact that she'd never have anyone and perhaps it was due to this that no one ever came along.
So Quinn sat and pondered her life.
A life that meant always running away.

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