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Tom Dorray starts off everyday with a failure.
A failure to wake up when his alarm rings.
This single morning failure is usually the catalyst to his abysmal day.
It starts off where his mom yells at him to wake up because he's late, then a miserable shower (which he somehow falls asleep in as well) because his family used up all the water in their good for nothing geyser.
He then skips breakfast, resulting in him not concentrating for most of his morning classes and thus his bad academic track record.

His failure however doesn't stop in class. Everyday he buys a huge meat-lovers burger at the cafeteria and then goes to talk his long time crush. Her name is Gillian Anderson and what Tom doesn't know, is that she is a hardcore vegan who tries to ignore Tom because he always smells like the souls of all the dead animals in his burger. Tom often wonders why she refuses to let him sit next to her and much less touch her.
Then he sits at the end of the day, with his group of delinquent friends, whilst waiting for his polar opposite of a sister to finish her extra curricular activities.

She comes out of the gym, after her swimming practice and Tom waves goodbye to his friends to which they all respond positively towards.
He joins his sister.
He feels like such a failure next to her.
She's smart, talented and basically everything he's not. He may have less worries but she has what takes to win at the game of life.
She also has their parents. They support everything she does and he can see how their eyes glow with pride when they look her. They love him too but not quite to the extent that they love her. Tom is the family failure and they pity him for it.
He envies his sister's proactive attitude and her book smarts.
She has control over her life

Sidney Dorray starts everyday off with a success.
She successfully gets up every morning, often before her alarm rings, and she then enjoys a hot shower.
She has time to make and finish her wholesome breakfast. After that, she revises for whatever test is coming up, resulting in her exceptional grades, whilst she listens to her mother yelling at her brother to get up.
Her success continues when she's at school and she kisses her boyfriend, the captain of the swimming and soccer teams, before making her way to class.
She succeeds at school and then goes to succeed in her extracurricular of the day: swimming.
Then she heads out and sees her brother talking to his friends.
He greets them and his friends give him a heartfelt goodbye before he joins her.

She feels like such a failure next to him.
He's unaffected by other people's opinions, he's friendly and everything she isn't. She may be book smart but he gets life. He has real friends. Sidney has friends but, like her boyfriend, they only hang around her because she helps them pass school and look good to their superficial parents.
Between all the pressure of school and all her extracurriculars, she has no time for real friends or peace of mind.
She envies her brother's lack of care and his street smarts in most situations.
He has control over his life.

Success is what you make of it.

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