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Maybe they would've lasted longer if they hadn't gone crazy along the way.

Their futures were so bright...
more in the sense that they'd spend most of their time in the blistering heat of the outdoor Sahara desert sun, than in the sense that they had much going on for themselves.

She ran away from home to see the world, completely disregarding the common sense to realise that it's not enough to survive with just the clothes on your back and your dysfunctional boyfriend.
He, admittedly, had already fallen off the wagon when she came along, but her naivety and their shared wanderlust fueled the fire that burnt through the last of his sanity and caused him to waltz her across the world and to the hottest location he could find; amongst the Bedouin people in their various pop up location hot spots within the Sahara. (Puns intended; dry jokes, I know but we are talking about the desert here.)

Essentially speaking; she was misguidedly dense and he was impulsively audacious.
Not the most solid foundation for a relationship to build a life on but they were too young and wild to give it much thought (or any thought for that matter).
Nevertheless, fueled by the illusion of love, they took their place amongst the Bedouin tribe and lived the poverty stricken life; making money off their meager trades, moving place to place every five months like the desert gypsies they'd unconsciously become.
Naturally, amidst the pressuring economic situation and the effect of the heat on their vulnerable city-going minds, they began to lose their marbles. Tension aroused by a mixture of time, simpleminded mentality, poverty and climatic influence, turned the honeymoon phase sour.
She blamed him for all her problems and her position in life:
"The toilet isn't working!
It must be because even it's tired of all the shit you always cause! God, staying with you was the biggest mistake of my life, it's your fault nothing ever works, not even the damn toilet!"
He honestly, just wants her to fall victim to an insidious sandstorm and get buried alive so she can feel what it's like to be reluctantly smothered, and finally she'd be forced to shut up.

Hard to believe there was a time where they'd loved each other so entirely, it could've been eternal if they tried.
They live in this heated world, (last bad pun, I swear), where they've both driven each other off the brink of lucidity and into a foggy, loveless world of nutjobs.

Maybe if they'd taken things slower...

Maybe if they'd stopped to realize that loving someone means to share your everything with them, through the insanity and peace of mind because in the end of the day we all want love; to feel wanted. Life needs that kind of purpose to give humanity meaning...

And who knows...

Maybe they would've lasted longer if they hadn't gone crazy along the way.

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