Chapter 25

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***Hey again! This is the last chapter for LOTG Part 1! Part 2 can be found on my wall :) Happy reading!***

They flew hard into the dawn, trying to put as much ground between them and the orcs as possible. The Guardians flew among the eagles, their pure white wings reflecting the early morning light. During the journey, Thorin's eyes slowly drooped shut as the last of his energy left him. Nema's eyes were alight with concern as she flew beside the eagle holding him, staying as close to Thorin as she dared without being battered by the great bird's wings. Every now and then, Nema would falter in her flight and drop a few feet before correcting herself and rising again.

Fili watched Nema from the back of an eagle, just above and to the right of her. He frowned as she dropped lower in the air, worry plain on his face. The dwarf turned to the Guardian who was flying beside him and saw that he seemed equally concerned.

The Guardian was a little taller than Nema, with broad, muscular shoulders and cropped, blonde hair. He wore only grey slacks, naked from the waist up. Fili wondered how he did not feel the cold.

"Nemaiza has not completed her Change," the Guardian stated blankly, answering the question that was lingering in Fili's mind. "That is why it is flying is causing her pain."

"What do you mean she has not completed her Change? She has wings now, what else is there?"

"She needs her Taegra back." The Guardian shook his head and looked away. "I don't know why in Middle Earth you would take it. What were you thinking, dwarf?"

Fili glared at the winged man. What was he implying? The dwarf was unable to ponder the Guardian's remark for long, as the eagles were beginning to descend towards a tall pillar, with steps carved in a curve up its side, and a wide plateau at the very top. It was on this pillar that the eagles set down the dwarves, Bilbo, and Gandalf, before they flew off and settled on a nearby peak.

Nema landed shakily and as soon as her bare feet touched the ground she ran to Thorin's side and kneeled down. Gandalf joined her and muttered to Nema in a tongue that the dwarves could not understand. Nema sighed with relief at his words, so the dwarves took this as a good sign. But Thorin's eyes were still closed, and his breathing was shallow.

The wizard drew in a deep breath before whispering in the same tongue he had used to speak to Nema, whilst holding his hand over Thorin's brow. When he withdrew his hand, Thorin's eyes were open.

The dwarf gazed up at the sky for a moment, then he pushed himself up, grunting loudly, "What of the hobbit? Where is the hobbit?"

The dwarves stood waiting with bated breath, but their fear for Bilbo was unfounded. For at that moment, a broad grin spread across Thorin's face. "I've never been so wrong," he exclaimed, and embraced Bilbo like a brother.

When he was finally released, Bilbo's eyes were wide with surprise, but his lips had curled up in a smile that matched Thorin's in warmth.

The dwarves cheered and clapped both Thorin and Bilbo upon their backs. Fili even threw a grin in Nema's direction, but his smile faded as he saw her dagger fall to the ground with a loud clatter.

"Nema!" Fili cried, rushing to catch her.

But someone else got there first. The blonde-haired Guardian who had flown beside him earlier had once again come to Nema's aid. He had a strong arm around her shoulders, holding her upright on the very edge of the rock.

Another Guardian landed on Nema's other side, this one also male, but with dark, flowing locks of hair. "Who bears her Taegra?" He asked, his voice heavily accented and rough, but still gentle on the ear.

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