Chapter 10

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The Doctor perched himself up in a climbing frame examining one of the boxes.

"What's with the cubes?" I called up to him.

"I have absolutely no idea." He answered turning the cube over and over in his hands.


The Doctor and I looked behind us where three people were staring at us from across the street. Two were male; one of them appeared to be middle aged while the other was probably in his late 20's early 30's same as the red headed woman who stood next to him, obviously the one who called out to the Doctor. All three of them were dressed in morning attire.

"Invasion of the very small cubes. That's new." The Doctor called back.


"Amy, Rory, Brian, I'd like you to meet Claire the newest edition to the TARDIS." The Doctor announced, patting me lightly on the head.

"Hi." I said shyly giving them a tiny wave. The Ponds smiled back and introduced themselves. After our brief introductions, the Doctor lead us back to the TARDIS.

"So how do you like traveling with the Doctor?" Amy asked falling into step with me.

"It's fun. Dangerous, but fun." I said.

Amy laughed. "The running is always the best."

I nodded joining in her laughter.

"Oi, Pond! Quit poisoning Claire's innocent mind and get in the TARDIS!" The Doctor called from.

"I am not poisoning her mind. I'm having a normal conversation with her. I finally have another girl on the ship and here you are getting jealous of me spending time with her." Amy yelled back as we made our way into the TARDIS.

"I am not jealous." The Doctor mumbled before picking up a cube and examining it with a magnifying glass. "Their all absolutely identical. Not a single molecule's difference between them. No blemishes, imperfections, individualities."

"What if they're bombs? Billions of tiny bombs? Or transport capsules maybe, with a mini robot inside. Or deadly hard drives. Or alien eggs? Or messages needing decoding. Or they're all parts of a bigger whole. Jigsaw puzzles that need fitting together." Brian suggested.

"Very thorough, Brian. Very, very thorough. Well done. Stay here." The Doctor said stacking a cube on top of the cube Brian was currently holding. "Watch these. Yell if anything happens."

The Doctor, Amy, Rory and I started putting together boxes of different items and carrying them out of the TARDIS.

"Doctor, is this an alien invasion? Because that's what it feels like." Amy asked.

"There couldn't be life forms in every cube could there?" Rory asked.

The Doctor turned around and faced the three of us. "I don't know. And I really don't like not knowing."

We carried the boxes into the kitchen and sat them all down on the kitchen table.

"Right, I need to use you're kitchen as a lab. Cook up some cubes. See what happens." The Doctor said flipping on the sink.

"Right, I'm due at work." Rory said.

The Doctor turned around in disbelief. "What you've got a job?"

"Of course I've got a job. What do you think we do when we're not with you?"

The Doctor shrugged. "I imagine mostly kissing."

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