Chapter 19

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Even though the Doctor constantly tried to assure me that I wasn't dangerous, I didn't believe him. I had a feeling he knew something that he didn't want me to know about. I asked him a couple of times out of the blue if anything was wrong or if he knew anything yet, but he would only say "no." I could tell he was lying though.

Whatever it was that he was hiding from me it had to be for a good reason. Right? He always says that I'm under his protection and that he would never let anything hurt me. If this was his way of protecting me, then so be it. I'm sure I'll learn eventually what it is that clever man is hiding.


"I sent you out to collect as many cubes as you could in twenty four hours. And look at you; you've made a right hash of it, haven't you? Well, Craig, you're fired." Lord Sugar said on the television.

I made a face. This is show is crap. The Doctor, Amy, Rory and I were sitting around the television watching some show I forgot the name of. It was a lazy Sunday so we all agreed to just sit around and watch bad television, much to the Doctor's dismay.

"Claire, please try one!" The Doctor pleaded shoving a fish finger drenched in custard in my face.

I scrunched my nose in disgust. "Doctor, I've told you a thousand of times that I hate fish."

He pulled the puppy-dog-face. "Please..."

With a sigh of defeat I accepted the weird food he was obsessed with. I eyed it carefully before taking a tiny hesitant bite. I gagged. "Oh my God, that is disgusting."

The Doctor frowned. "Fine. More for me." He pulled the fish finger from my hand and shoved it in his mouth. "You know, if I had a restaurant, this'd be all I'd serve."

Amy laughed through a mouthful of fish custard. "Yeah, right. You running a restaurant."

"I've run restaurants. Who do you think invented the Yorkshire pudding?" He said with a smile as he draped his arm across my shoulders.

"You didn't." Rory laughed in disbelief.

"Pudding, yet savory. Sound familiar?" He examined a fish finger dripping with custard. I caught him looking at me from the corner of his eye an evil smirk slowly crossing those beautiful lips of his.

"What-" I was cut off when the Doctor suddenly bopped me on the nose with the fish stick leaving a huge glob of custard in it's spot.

I glared at him playfully. "You did not just do that."

He took a bite out of the fish stick. "Oh I believe I just did."

A smirk graced my lips as I snuck my hand inside the bowl of custard. When he wasn't looking I took a handful and slapped it on his face.

"Oi!" He laughed wiping the cream from his face.

I let out a loud eruption of giggles only to have an equal amount of custard thrown at me. It didn't take long for the two of us to break into a full out food fight.

"Oi! If you two make a mess of my living room you're cleaning it up." Amy hollered escaping from her place on the couch besides the Doctor in attempt to avoid being hit.

"Right. I'm going to take these away." Rory said taking the empty bowls away from us. "And you two are going to go clean your faces because you both look absolutely atrocious."

The Doctor and I stopped chucking custard at one another and took a moment to examine each other's faces. A loud snort burst from me at the sight of the Doctor. Huge globs of custard were sticking to his face the majority clung to his enormous chin and nose. The Doctor joined in my laughter as he pointed at my face.

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