Chapter One - Rhonda's New Phone.

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It was a typical school morning. Busy halls, loud chatter, Helga barging past people screaming "Outta my way, morons!" and of course, Rhonda in a massive crowd with something new and expensive.

Rhonda with her shiny new iPhone with everyone muttered in amazement while Rhonda bragged "Daddy got me this expensive new phone which is one of the very first makes! It's not even available on the market yet!" Stinky says "Wilerkers!" Helga was behind Arnold and said to herself "So what? It's a stinking phone! It send texts and received calls! That's it!" She groaned before taking her gaze back at Arnold.

Rhonda then says "I can download tons of the latest apps like this one" She showed her phone where everyone stared at the little square on the screen for the app called "MatchMaker" Rhonda proudly bragged "This app can calculate accurately 100% perfect couples! It's not like that silly paper game I used to have" Everyone smiled except Helga.

Rhonda then asked "Now who's first? I can take two peoples names and press the "Calculate button" to see what they would be like as a couple or I can take one persons name and press the "Random Name button" which will find the name of the person who is perfect for them" Helga scoffed "What about Gerald and Phoebe? They're always swooning at eachother!" Phoebe blinked with wide eyes. Rhonda typed the names into her phone before pressing calculate and without a word from Gerald or Phoebe who just keep saying "Umm".

The phone made a sound like a firework and Rhonda smiled and replies "Well, Gerald and Phoebe have a 98% rate meaning they are meant to be!" Gerald and Phoebe looked over at each other and smiled slightly while blushing but looked away before anyone noticed.

Rhonda says with a smirk "Who's next?" Sid chuckles before raising his hand and taking a step forward "Go on then! Put me in and press the Random button" Rhonda nodded before typing Sid's name. Sid, Stinky and Harold sniggered. The phone then made the firework sound and Rhonda looked at the screen in shock before bursting out laughing. Sid blinked back confused and dying to know what it says "C'mon Rhonda, who is it? It's not that bad is it?" She giggled "It''s...Big Patty!!" Sid shrieked while the others laughed hard. Except Harold who was actually a little sad as he looked down on the ground but shook his head before frowning.

Rhonda looked around the crowd and placed her gaze at Lila "What about you Lila?" Lila fluttered her eyelashes before replying "Me?" Rhonda replies "Of course! I mean, there's so many guys who go crazy for you at this school" as she says this, she briefly looked at Arnold who looked at Lila and he blushed slightly. Lila then says with a smile "Oh, but I just ever so much like surprises so I don't want to find out yet" Rhondas smile faded until the bell goes making the crowd part and Rhonda stuffed her phone back into her pocket.

Lila turned to Arnold with a smile "Walk with me to class?" Arnold quickly replies "Sure" As they are walking Lila asks him "What do you think of Rhondas "MatchMaker" app?" Arnold explains to her "I honestly think it's just a silly game just like her other one" Just then Helga stomped down the hall and saw Arnold and Lila. She frowned and stomped over pushing Arnold to the floor before yelling "Outta my way football head" and cackled. He rolled his eyes and rubbed his neck in pain before Lila grabbed his arm and helped him up, a concerned look on her face "Gosh Arnold! You seem ever so hurt! Do you want to go to the nurses office?" He passed a crocked smile at her and replies "No Thanks. I...I'll be OK" Lila smiled and says "Ok Arnold. Well, see you after class!" She waved to him before entering a door and he waved back before continuing to walk down the hall.

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