Chapter Three - Starting a Friendship.

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Arnold's head was lowered as he stared at the ground while thinking to himself in a annoyed voice"I can't believe it! It's Helga again!" Helga who is almost around the corner was smiling, humming and skipping and thinks to herself in a happy voice "I can't believe it! It's Arnold again!"

As both are about to turn the same corner, they don't notice each other and bump into each other causing them to fall over. Helga gets herself up while Arnold rubs his head and moans "Not...again" while still on the ground.

Helga shakes her head and bares her teeth at Arnold about to insult him but a voice comes inside her head which stops her in her tracks and pulls a long face as the voice said "Stop! Don't call him anything! Don't you see this is your chance! If you become nice, he will fall for you like that otherwise you will NEVER have him!"

She looks down at him with a blank face. He has sat up and looks up at Helga and groans "Sorry Helga" Helga blinks and pulls a smile before saying "Oh, no! It was my fault too! I am sorry as well foot-erm I mean Arnold" Arnold looks at Helga with a surprised look. She extends her hand and says "Here" he grabs her hand to help him up and then she bends down to grab his books "Let me get them for you" She hands him the books and he smiles a little "Gee! Thanks Helga!" She smiles and tries to batter her eyelids as she replies "No problem! Actually, perfect timing! I wanted to talk to you Arnold! Can I walk with you?" Arnold replies with a slight confused expression "Sure Helga" and they begin walking together.

As they walk, Helga then thinks she needs to put more effort in and to do that, she needs to at least start building a friendship. Helga explains "Arnold, I've been thinking about me and you" Arnold asks puzzled "What about us?"

"Well...we haven't really became good friends and it is mostly my fault calling you football head and pushing you and.."

She glances at Arnold who has a face of annoyance. She rubs her neck and stutters "A-a-anyway, I've reliesed your a nice kid and I-I basically want to say sorry for everything I did and said in the past..."

Arnold looks at her with a blank face before saying "Really?" Helga struggles to talk "Sure Arnold. I mean, you are super nice and I have rejected your niceness in the past! So that's why I am asking for a start over. Can we be good friends?" She asks. They stop while Arnold says "This isn't a trick is it Helga?" Helga can feel herself getting angry at him for asking that but manages to plaster a fake smile and for once controlling herself "Of course not"

Arnold smiles and shakes Helgas hand "It's a deal" They reach Helgas house and say goodbye but when Helga opens her front door, Arnold shouts "Wait! Helga?" She turns her head to face him before he continues "Do you want to go get ice cream after school tomorrow?"

Helga stutters "Y-You want to go to the I-ice cream place...with me?"

"Yeah! Why not? As a way of starting our friendship?"

Helga's eyes are wide and she smiles "Sure Arnold!" He then leaves smiling and she enters the house. When she closes the door behind her. She hugs her backpack and faints on the floor all love sick. Big Bob comes downstairs and notices Helga but he shakes his head while muttering "Not even gonna ask"

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