He's Sick (Michael)

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You were studying for finals when your phone started ringing next to you, making you jump. You felt a surge of panic run through you as you saw Calum's called ID pop up onto the screen.

"Hey Cal, everything okay?" "Not really. Can you come and pick up Michael please? He's complaining because he feels ill and has a fever so can you come and pick him up?" You sighed, closing the book you were reading.

"Sure, tell him to hang in there, I'll be there in ten." You replied, hanging up. You grabbed your keys and ran out to your car. You drove quickly towards the recording studio you were out and Calum was standing outside waiting for you. "Hey Calum, is he okay?"
"He'll be fine." He replied, leading you inside. You followed him towards one of the rooms and were met with Michael shivering on the sofa in there, his face was pale and hair stuck to his forehead. He smiled slightly when he saw you and you rushed over, hugging him tightly. "How are you feeling Mikey?"

"Crappy. I keep going from really hot to really cold, my head feels so heavy and everything just aches." You sighed, feeling sympathetic for your sick boyfriend. "Can you take me home please?" You nodded, taking his hand and saying your goodbye's to the boys before leading Michael towards your car.

"Come on you, bedtime." You said when you walked through the door. He agreed and you helped him towards your bedroom and helping him settle down before grabbing him some medicine and a wet cloth. You gave him the medicine which he took and placed the cold cloth to his head before laying next to him. "Go to sleep hun."

"Okay, night Y/N, thank you, I love you." He mumbled before his head fell to your shoulder as he fell asleep more or less instantly. "I love you too Mikey."

A/N i didnt check this one for errors oops

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