Nightmares (Ashton)

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A/N you have a nightmare

"I never loved you. You were just a bet. The boys gave me a hundred dollars every week we spent together, but I can't take it anymore!" Ashton spat at you as you sat on the bed and cried.

"I hate you, Y/N Y/L/N !"

Your body shot up in fear. You were drenched in sweat and tears. When you roll over to wake Ashton up, he wasn't there.

"Ashton! Ashton where are you?" You sobbed, to afraid to get out of bed because he might have left you.

After about 15 seconds, you figured you weren't getting an answer. You laid back down and cried so much you began to feel nauseous.

Footsteps carefully ran up the stairs, but you were too busy crying to notice.

You hear someone set down a plate on your nightstand and while you were sitting up, the bed dipped down beside you and a hand was placed on your lower back.

You flinch at the touch, but look up to see Ashton right in front of you, worry in his eyes.

"Ashton." You gasp and pull him into a hug as you cry and cling to him for dear life.

"Babe, what happened?" He asked, carefully pulling you back but bringing himself closer to you and wrapping his arm around your waist.

"I-I had a nightmare a-and you left me because I was a bet and you said you hated me." You said, sniffling and trying to calm yourself down.

"Y/N, you know I love you. You know I would never leave you, right?" He asks. You nod in response.

"Good," He smiles. "I'll always be here, I'm not going anywhere. I love you too much to leave you."

You smile back at him as you finally calm down.

"Now here," He smiles and reaches behind you and grabs two plates, handing one to you. "I made us breakfast."

A/N have you ever dreamt that you're dating someone from your favorite band and then they're like, "lol, i hate u bye." ?? bc i have and i woke up crying lmao see ya

(btw i thought of a lot more ideas so i'll be updating more often yay !!)

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