You're Short (Ashton)

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You and Ashton were having a movie night in your shared apartment.

"I'm gonna go make some popcorn." You said and stood up. He nodded but kept his eyes fixed on the screen trying to find a movie on Netflix.

You walked into the kitchen and realized that the popcorn was in the cabinet. And for you, the cabinet was very high up.

You thought about grabbing the chair to stand on it. But then you remember what Ashton had said a while ago when you tried standing on a chair to get something.

"If there's every something else you can't reach, just tell me and I'll get it for you."

But you were older now, and capable of getting popcorn out of a cabinet. So you grabbed the chair.

You picked it up gently and put it in front of where the cabinet was.

You stepped onto the chair and smiled when you realized that you were eye level with the popcorn. Chairs make reaching things easier.

You reached for the popcorn, grabbed it, stepped off of the chair, and put the chair back.

Once the popcorn was popped, you went and sat back down with Ashton.

"Y/N?" He asked, eyes still glued to the TV.

"Yes?" You replied hoping that he didn't see you on the chair.

"How did you reach the popcorn?"

"Uh, um I reached up and grabbed it." You said trying not to look at him. "Impossible, you're not that tall." He said turning to you.

He cupped your face in his hands and stared into your eyes. "I don't want you to stand on the chair again okay? You might fall, its too dangerous."

You nodded and he placed a light kiss on your lips. "You're still to small to do some things on your own, babe." He said chuckling.

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