Rolling Stones Article

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idfk what to even do

1. arzaylea is denying most of the stuff, which is making me think the fam made her look worse than she actually is (even tho im still mad about the other shit she's said)

2. arzaylea said nothing they wrote about her in that magazine is true

3. tbh, if luke really did say that stuff, he's in more deep shit. idk what calum did, but from what i've gotten, its pretty bad

4. they're coming back to america soon i think, so we'll probably find out more stuff about this situation then

5. stop talking about all the girls luke has fucked ; MICHAEL'S MENTAL HEALTH IS MORE IMPORTANT. I cant stress this enough. I love him so much, and I hope hes okay

anyways, thats the end of my rant.

so the bottom line is, arzaylea might be right and the amount of girls luke fucked doesnt matter because michael's mental health is more fucking important than that.

so lets just wait for something from the boys and hope this situation clears up.

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