Calum The Molecule

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A/N this was my science homework for today and its not really an imagine but i felt like sharing bc we had to do the water cycle thing lmao so um yeah enjoy (or dont idgaf haha)

Once upon a time, there was a turtle. Inside the turtle was a molecule named Calum (Cah-lum). Calum Hood.

One day it was very hot outside, causing the turtle to sweat. Calum came out of the turtle when it was sweating.

He evaporated and rose into the cloud. He stayed in the cloud for a day and then woke up.

When he woke up, he fell out of the cloud as rain. When he hit the ground and got sucked into the soil.

Then, later in the day, it was hot again and he evaporated back into the cloud. He fell back down, this time as snow.

He landed on a glacier. The glacier was in a small river.

He got deposited into the ground and became groundwater. This ground water was right next to the lake.

He picked up the river and became apart of the river.

The end.

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