Chapter seven

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Sagittarius's p.o.v

I walked back to my room and my phone rang.

"Hello" I answered
"Hey, I heard what happened. I'm so so sorry! But, you have your radioactive solo tonight" I facepalmed when she said that.
"Yeah, I remember now. I'll be there"
"You better! The whole orchestra is counting on you"
"I know, I know"
"Remember Shrine Auditorium and Expo Hall"
"I know Sage, I know. Let me go, I gotta practice" I hung up and pulled out my electric cello (I know that isn't an electric cello, so just pretend) and plugged it into the amplifier.

After tuning I did a few scales then played Radioactive. I accidentally hit G instead of E and tightened my grasp on my bow.
"Shit" I muttered.

A few hours later my phone rang.
"One, I am up. Two, Jefferson street is like ten minutes away"
"Still! Get dressed and get down here" I rolled my eyes and hung up.

I put on a black button up shirt, black dress pants, black socks and black dress shoes (for anyone who isn't in orchestra. It is professional to wear all black, also, if you play cello, no dresses because the instrument goes between your legs) I tied my hair up in a classy bun and the ring I always wore.

After casing my cello I hauled it to the car. Not as easy as it sounds, trust me. When I walked back inside to get my rockstop Jason stopped me.

"Where ya' goin?" He asked
"Concert" I answered hurriedly.
"Wait. The one on Jefferson?"
"The guys and I have tickets"
"Oh yay" I said sarcastically.

I grabbed my rockstop and got in my car. When I pulled up, my breath caught in my throat. This place was packed! Wiping my sweaty palms on my pants I grabbed Reece's (that's my cellos name. Both in the story and real life), I carried her inside and practiced until the intercom came on announcing me. Taking one last deep breath I walked out onto the empty stage.

I sat down and took another deep breath and started playing. (Play song)

When I finished everyone was immediately at their feet, clapping, cheering, whooping, you name it! I bowed and took the microphone.

"Uh, hi guys. I'd like to thank my best friend, Sage Acceti for helping me out along the way. I'd also like to thank my middle and high school orchestra teacher, Mr. Andrew Eason-McGill, for never giving up on me. Also, I'd like to thank my dad, who is watching me from above...I love you daddy" I said looking up. I bowed one more time and walked off stage.

When backstage I was met with a few familiar faces; Sage, Tyler, Ty, Jason, Adam, Quentin, Ian, and much to my surprise, Mr. Eason who had his wife Adrian by his side.

I looked at Mr. Eason for a while and then extended my hand. He firmly shook it and smiled warmly.
"Not bad, Dean, not bad at all" he said smiling.
"It's good to see you Mr. Eason"

Jason lunged forward and hugged me, soon followed by Ty, Quentin, Ian etc..

"Sorry to hear about your dad" Adrian said.
"It's alright" I'd never talked to her much, I remember in 7th grade we were playing the local high school and my partner never showed so I was the only cellist (we only had 11 kids, 2 cellists, 3 violist, 1 bassist, the rest violinist), due to me being the only cellist, I had to solo it. I played Sally's song (nightmare before Christmas) by myself once, the second time the rest of the orchestra joined. That's the first time I'd ever spoken to her.

For about an hour we all talked and joked around, bringing back memories of middle school how bad Sage and I were at actually playing our instruments.

When it was time to go, Quentin carried my cello out to my car.

I pulled Jason aside and asked if I could put my instrument in his car instead. He nodded and after I put it in I motioned for him and Sage to get in my Camaro.

When everyone was in with a seatbelt on (Jason in the back, Sage in passenger seat) I did a burn out and we took off, this is why I loved this car! It was perfect for street racing!

Slamming on the gas, we sped off and zoomed in and out of traffic. I slowed down at a red light and quickly gunned it again, passing under the lights.

I smiled as the wind, wildly whiped my hair around. Sage had her arms up, shrieking in delight. I glanced in the rearview mirror at Jason, he sat, mortified, with his eyes shut tight. I smiled at this and slammed on breaks for no reason.

Jason fell forward and hit the back of my seat. I turned around to face him. I flashed my pearly whites and he rolled his eyes.

I drove at normal speed to Tyler's house and dropped Sage off, Jason climbed upfront.

I flashed a smile and he returned it weakly.

"What's wrong, Jason? To fast?"
"A tad bit. Yes"

The rest of the drive home was peaceful, no speeding, no talking, just driving.

When we got home I walked inside and all the guys has their hands behind their backs and were nervously shuffling from foot to foot.

I raised an eyebrow and shrugged it off, walking upstairs to me room.

On my bed was an empty cello case, I heard the front door shut signaling Jason had come in. Upon hearing a gasp from downstairs my feet thundered down the stairs.

The guys scattered revealing the remains of my cello, my eyes closed but slowly opened again.

"Who, did, that?!" I said through gritted teeth. Hesitantly Mitch raised his hand.

I growled and lunged at him, my hands clamping around his throat, my hands were quickly ripped away and I was pulled upstairs.

"YOU'LL PAY MITCH!" I yelled. Quentin threw me in my room and locked the door from the outside. I pounded on the door, no luck.

Sitting on my bed I placed my head in my hands and took deep breaths. I stood up and punched my closet repeatedly, splinters stuck in my knuckles and blood leaked out.

I paced my room until daylight crept through my now boarded windows. I grab a clump of my hair and pull, nothing comes out, except a few strands. I'm still pacing when I hear footsteps.

I stop and slam my already splintered fists against the door.

"'s me, Mitch. We can't let you out just yet, you have to cool off first" Mitchs voice came out shaky and his breathing was ragged.

"I am calm" I said through gritted teeth.
"No you aren't. Jason will bring you food later" I heard his retreating footsteps and slammed my palm into the door.

I will kill you, Mitch.

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