Chapter fourteen

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Jason has been out of the hospital for a few days now, he's met Lady and they absolutely love each other.

So, here I am. Going downtown to get Christmas presents. I come from the small town of Flint, Michigan. All of these people at Christmas time are unusual to me.

It isn't even snowing! I've never had a Christmas without snow!

It isn't even cold! I'm wearing shorts and a thin long sleeve shirt! Everyone back at the house is wearing heavy coats. If I look around it's all heavy coats.

A lot of the guys are going back to spend the holidays with family. Jason is going to Texas and I'm going up north to little Flint, Michigan.

So, all the presents are bought and I'm home now.

"Hey" I say when I walk in. Everyone mumbles in reply.

"Guys my flight leaves today" Mitch said, he's going back to Canada along with Quentin and Tyler. Sage is going to Florida.

Eliz is going to Texas too, but not Grapevine, a different little city. It seems like everyone is leaving.

(If you're confused here's where everyone is going
Sagittarius- Michigan
Mitch, Tyler, Quentin- Canada
Eliz, Jason- Texas
Adam- Washington
Ty- Arizona
Jerome- Italy
Sage- Florida
Ian- staying in California)

"I'm gonna miss you guys" I whined
"We'll miss you too" Everyone whined in reply.
"We should have Christmas right now!" Jerome suggested, everyone looked at each other for approval and nodded.

This is what I got everyone
Quentin- mudkip plushie
Ty- nipple piercings (as a joke)
Adam- a neat budder necklace
Jason- a astronaut helmet XD
Mitch- a meet and greet pass with Jennifer Lawrence
Jerome- a little bacca plushie
Eliz- a Gryffindor jacket
Tyler- a new set of strings for his guitar
Sage- a Slytherin jacket
Ian- new sneakers

And this is what everyone got me
Quentin- a haunter plushie (if you don't know who haunter is, fix your life)
Ty- a enderman plushie
Adam- a slime plushie
Jason- a promise ring (OH MY FUDGE)
Mitch- Canadian money for some reason (it looks cool though)
Jerome- Ravenclaw ear buds
Eliz- Ravenclaw sweat pants
Tyler- plane ticket (he paid for it)
Sage- a new camera
Ian- sunglasses (WHY?!)

"I've got to go" Mitch said.

Mitch, Tyler and Quentin all got in his car and drove to the airport. Jerome had to go too. The other flights left tomorrow, except mine, it left at midnight tonight.

Fast forward a few hours
Ugh! Everyone is asleep! I'm sitting on the couch in the dark subconsciously twisting my promise ring.

"Ah! God, you scared the fuck out of me!" That was definitely Jason, it feels weird, he never cusses, like ever.
"Potty mouth" I chuckled. He sat down next to me.
"I really don't want you to leave" he finally said
"Your leaving too dipshit"
"Yeah, but I wanna stay with you for the holidays"
"Stop whining and take me to the airport" I pulled him up and we walked to the car.

Once at the airport he helped me with my bags and everything like that. Unexpectedly he pulled me in for a kiss, which caused many elderly people to look at us strangely.

When I was on the plane immediately I fell asleep.

"Welcome to Flint, Michigan. We hope you enjoy your stay" the man came over the intercom and said. My eyes snapped open and I got my luggage and headed off.

Ok, this was another filler chapter. The picture in the next chapter is actually the house my papa used to live in, but in the story it's my house.

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