Chapter 4

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Your point of view:
You were leaning against the car door, and Jack drove you to the airport. You noticed that Jack looked stressed. You don't blame the guy. Anti could have taken over any minute. Suddenly his eyes flashed a green and he stopped the car. "J-Jack?!" You put your hand on the door handle ready to run. Jack panted heavily and his eyes turned back to normal. "I-I'm fine...." Jack started the car again and drove off to the airport.

Jack's point of view:
Damn it...anti is going to be the death of me.... Jack bit his lip hard. Anti was getting to him. He tried to keep Anti under control, but he lost control, and Anti took over.

Anti's point of view:
Anti grinned and took a left turn into a trail that led into the woods. (Y/N) didn't know her way in Ireland, but Anti did. He knew just where to take her. Besides she belonged to him. He used his mind to talk to Darkiplier.

"Hey darkimoo~." Anti grinned. Darkiplier was able to talk to other alter egos through the mind. Every alter egos had this ability. "What do you want you Irish dick! I know you have (Y/N)....Jack isn't strong enough to control someone like you." Dark growled.

Anti laughed, "oh come on~ you say it like its a bad thing!" Anti smirked. Dark wasn't in the mood for games. "Give her back you dick! Give my sis back!" Dark growled angrily. Anti smiled, "Oh so what? Your such a perfect angel? Aren't you the one that kidnapped Mark's girlfriend?"

Dark was quiet for a while. "Okay yes I did something similar to what your doing, but now I know it's wrong! Me and Mark made up! You gotta learn how to be one with Jack."

Anti chuckled, "I'm not working with that weakling besides I'm not going to hurt (Y/N) I just want to have her as my own. You of all people should know how it feels to be ignored. Jack's fans rarely notice me....there is barely any fan art and other shit like that! Then I met (Y/N)....she was beautiful...don't you understand?! I LOVE HER!" Anti yelled.
Dark was quiet. Then he sighed "Fine...don't bring (Y/N) back...I do understand how you feel. But you gotta know how to work together with Jack. He's the reason your alive! You have to learn how to live with him."

"....sure, sure, whatever." He disconnected the link to Dark's mind. Anti sighed and looked at (Y/N)

....she will be mine.....

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