The prelouge to this whole entire story!!!

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by the way, If I owned Naruto, leprauchans would be real, and obviously, they don't exist.

Hi there! My name is Hirachamaria, HIra for short, not. I like that name, it has a nice ring to it, but my real name is Maria. I live in New York, America. I'm a total anime/manga fan.My absoulute favorite is Naruto. Whose isn't?If I'm talking about you, go kill yourself, I mean it. Anyways, the following story is true, unbelievable, but true. Read on , unless you don't obsess over Naruto. Then, you can't read if you're dead! XD

On my 12th birthday, I got everything I wanted. My friends all pitched in to get me an ultimate Naruto cosplay set. It had real live kunia knives and shurikan ( Shura's dad was a blacksmith), A vest, some black tees, real scrolls( copied from the book and Yanako is an artist in case U were wondering), a leaf headband, and some other fabrics to make my own wardrobe.  " AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! How much did all of this cost? how long have you guys been preparing?AAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Needless to say, I was overexcited. " Calm down, Hira, don't hypervenalate on your birthday. That would be very bad." Kuaina said slowly like I was an idiot. I stuck my tounge at her.Did I mention my friends and I all had sorta japanese names that we made up? I also got the ultimate fan book from my brother and like, all the books loaded onto  my i-pod touch. And it would be updated regurlary? My cousin in japan sent me a box of japanese treats. Her name was Temari, like in Naruto! She got money, so the box was huge. Well, I come from a rich family to. I had an 300 -yen allowance that came with50 dollars, per week.  Anyways, my birthday was perfect.

I rushed upstairs and began sewing at top speed for an hour or so. Kuaina helped.Finally, It was done. I now had an awsome kimono-sorta-style-shirt that was silver and had a shorter right sleeve than the left by 5 and a aquamarine skirt that was longer on the right than the left by 9 inches. I also put on a black ribbon fish-net style arm warmer thing. I filled my sleeping bag with my presents, some instant ramen(okay, a lot), and some other Naruto stuff and so and so. "Ready?" asked Nira. "Let's do it!" I skipped as we headed out to my 2 acre forest for our annual Naruto Camping Trip. As we settled down around our usual rock we were in for a huge surprise.

Curse of the shinobiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora