A very suspicious puddle

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So, after getting some ramen with NAruto, I ran to pack up. What should I take? I mused to myself.

Then, I realized that I had so little stuff, that it all fit into a backpack, so I stuffed it all into my bag and ran downstairs, trying not to be later than kakashi.I tore through the village and I swear, I think I saw Kakashi walking slowly and reading as I kicked dust all around me.

"AHHHHH!!!"I screamed and ran into the door creating a me-shaped hole.

"UH?" aasked Naruto. "Why does this seem famialar?" He asked no one in particullar.

"Well well well, look who finallly came. " he said smiling with that one damn eye.I felt my eye twitch.


"Really? You should of learned it though!" he just kept smiling. "Lete's forget the incompetent fool and leave." he smiled and pulled out his perverted book.

DAmn him,. Then, a idea came to me.  wanna know what is was? I was gonna...

I WAS GONNA USE MY EFFING AWSOME KNOWLEDGE OF NARUTO TO FIGHT WELL! Yeah, I know its chiche, but I like that word so.... yea. SO basiclly, I just mentally planned ways to get him back. BEfore I know it (yes, I'm lazy. Be thankful to KanadaNedari for motivating me to write this) we were at the puddle. I sighed and just pulled out poison andidote that I packed and causully... stepped on the puddle.

"What?" kakashi stared at me like I really was an idoit.

"What, I like puddles." I said and began jumping in it. Of, course, the ninjas got pissed and sttempted to slice me up. I just used the same jutsu kakashi was supposed to.

"HIRA!!!" he screamed. I had to supress a giggle from the trees. "Damn you." he said and was about to kill him when he looked back at Tazuna and pretended to die. He appeared in the tree next to me, so I climbed higher quickly before he saw me.

Of couse, the rest played on. If you know Naruto at all, you know what happens.Naruto gets poisned and all. Then, Kakashi finally came back into the scence.He swiftly cut  them up and tied them up.

"Good job Sasuke, Sakura. Nartuo, lets me see your wound." he examined. "This is pretty bad. He said.

No joke? He's no fun at all. "She probably died. It's because of  you!" He spun on Tazuna. "This isn't a c-ranked at all!" he yelled at him angrily. Then, I decided to drop outta no where. 

"Hey, weren't you the one  who said we couldn't kill the clinent?" I asked. "What?" he spun around. "Dija think I would reallt die at the hands of idoits like thosre two?" I asked smugly.

Kakashi, for once, had no response. "LET'S ROLL!" I yelled. "Oh, and save the pity storyt TAzuna, I'm helping you all the way. I finish what I started. That's part of my ninja way!" I smiled at him before turing around and walking. "Coming?" I spun around. 

THey smiled at me and kakashi and tazuna smiled softly. "YEP!" yelled naruto.

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