OMF, are we where I think we are, and who may I ask are you?

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WhenI woke up, I noticed something strange. We had fallen asleep in a tent, at my mother's request, not in only sleeping bags."huh?" there were some random people sleeping around a rock, like I was. My first thought was, who the fuck are they.Then, I noticed that the rock was sliver, not gray and that this wasn't the right forest. "Mmm?Huh?" a pink-head muttered. "AAAHHH WHO THE F**K ARE YOU!?!?!?!?!?!?!?' I screamed. I was surprised nobody else woke up with that scream. " huh? AHHH! More like who are you?" the pink-head retorted. "Where am I ?" she sure moved on fast. "How the hell am I supposed to know?" I protested.She stared. "Hey, I'm not insane and I don't live here!" "I didn't say anything!" she protested. Yeah right" Our bickering woke up a raven-haired boy( not saskue for all the saskaue lovers out there). "Shut up HIra." he half-moaned with his eyes closed.Those words had some effect on the pink-head, actlully, a lot. She began shaking him to half-death( is there such thing)  and screaming " Where is she?" at him. "I'm here thank you very much." "no way, you have blue hair, Hira doesn't." she said incrudously. "What? AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DO!!!!!! Cool." She sweat-dropped at me. "yep that's you.Weird. I'm Temari." "And you have pink hair.XD" I responded. "great do you know who this black-haird hunk of something is?" "Heeeyyyyy, I'm Yanako." O_O Just then, a blonde and a black-haired girl rose. They had similar reactions as us. I let Temari do the explaining. Finally, they were up-to-date. "Let's wake NIra." then we loomed over her. She screamed like her life depended on it. 10 minutes later, I handed her a bottle of water and we got our stuff( thank goodness it was still there) and headed to possible civilization, wherever it may be.

We finally found a village, maybe.O_O " OH MY FRICK!!!AAAAHHHHHHHH" we screamed and I went crazy and started to do the cotton-eye-joe. That aroused some stares. Why were we going crazy? The sign said Khonoha in Japanese.Then, I blacked out.




and many more.................................'s

When I woke up, I was on a metal bed. And there was Morono Ibiki behind the metal bars. Then I realized that i was behind the bars, not him." you're fiannally awake."he said. "Uh? Um..." I knew I couldn't call him by name yet. Acutully, i could! He was a famous interogattator! " Hello Morono Ibiki." Then, I wondered if this was a prank. "So you know me. Then you know what i can do." he said with a dark chuckle. " yes, and I'm not impressed." I lied smoothly. I've been lying since I knew what it was. Unlike most people, my heartbeat didn't change when I lied. His eyebrow raised. "Well let's see about that." I repressed a shiver and prepared myself.  The next hour was possabily the worst 1 hour  of my life. Because of that, I'm not gonna tell you about it. Yep, that's how good he was, with words and with weapons. I somehow managed to survive and not say a  word. Then, they brought  in Yamanaka Inoicho, Ino's dad. I tried to blank my mind. It worked. I don't know how, but he got nothing."what's your name?" he asked. Maria would be weird some i said" Hira." " Odd name." he said. " Can I ho?" " Yes." "mean...O_O Huh? Say what?" i was surprised. "I saw just a bit, but it was enough to confirm you're safe." he explained. " Umm.. Can I be a ninja, here?" I asked." yes." What was with these anwsers? They were to perfect, something had to going on. " Do you want to take the finals tomorrow?" he interrupted my thoughts. " Um...I guess I could try to see what it's like." I still was lying. he might be suspicouis and think I was a ninja If my anwser was blunt yes. That's how i finally got out of that prison. Before i left, I regrouped with my friends. " Guess what! I'm gonna take the finals tomorrow!" they stared at me. "They wouldn't let me." Shura said. i was allowed said Temari, Kuaina, and Yanako said. " Lucky! But, I'm gonna be a doctor." Nira half-bragged and half-pouted. She was always interesed in that sorta stuff. " Come on! I got my bank savings with me." I laughed. " Same. Let's go get a house!!!" Temari agreed with me. As my friends and I went house-shopping, I thought to my self that my life was amazing.

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