Why the hell does he want me? Actully, why do they want me?

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As soon as class ended, I put my headband around my neck like Hinata does. It reallywas comfortable there, despite what it looks like. Then, I found Naruto swinging saddle-style on the swing. I also saw the ass-holes bitching about him. That got me really mad.  I considered different ways to half-way-kill them for a while. I finally thought of the perfect idea after about a million different other sucky ideas. Hee hee... :)

I stalked over to the bitches, and kicked the girl with a normal,plain headband in the back. She caused a very short domino affect with the other blond dumb ass. " If i were you, i would be careful of what you say about him. He just might be hokage, and he has me on his side." With a single threat, I stalked off to find  Kuaina and Yanako, but not before I caught a glimpse of Naruto's , now, shocked and happy face. I'm glad I made this day. I wonder which side of me is in control now...

tap,tap "hunh?" I svwiveled around to see a demented, evil and weak Mizuki. " where did you learn that techninque?" He demanded. Oh shit. I was in very deep shit. Oh...Kuiana would kill me for this, by this i mean not being careful.






groan... AHHH!!! Where the hell was I ?!?!?!"Ahh look the prodigy is awake."  Mizuki chuckeled to himself.  "Prodigy? really?" I asked the maniac . "Hunh? I didn't say anything Crazy girl..." He sounded worried. I wanted to say something not so polite, but I decided to shut up. " Any-a-ways. Where the hell did you learn the tecnique? hmmm...?" he mused to me. " Shut up ass-hole." was my oh-so-amazing response. " So you refuse to to talk, Hmmm?" He said pacing. " then I when make you! Ha ha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He whipped his head around and lunged foword. I rolled my eyes. He didn't deserve anything better than that. " Still refusing? How about this electric taser?" Okay, where the hell did he get that? " Please shut up before I get a headache." I sighed sadly at the dumb-ass. Like he could even learn it if he got the scroll. Dumb-ass. " Hmmm A tough nut to crack! But never fear! I am the Nutcracker." Nutcracker? Isn't a ballet? " Tell me or I will slit your throught! HAhahahahahahahahaha!" This was looking like a old, cheesy 80's super villen movie. I had enough of the bitch. i kicked his balls and then his head as he fell to the ground. It was quite comical. Oh shit, I was still stuck in these ropes. oh well. " mmm argh?" Mizuki was waking up, so I clonked him again before stealing one of his kunai with my foot. " Finally free. At last!" Then I made sure he was gonna wake up soon. I mean, I can't go changing the plot line! When i was done with all the evidence that I had been ther, I ran like hell was chasing me and wanted to eat me alive. 

"WHERE IN THE NAME OF OH HOLY ASS WHERE YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Shura screamed like hell was breaking loose. " Holy Ass? Ummmm....origanal ." Weird...but hey that was my life! "Please stop yelling, tommorow I gotta go see which fucking team I'm on. Please shut up. I know the routine, yada yada." I moaned. "....." Silence rang through the room. I should of appriceated it. Nest thing everyone was screaming. " How did you pass?!?!?!" " I kew you could do it" yada yada. I like that word. Hee hee. It's my word of the day now! " Yada yada is my word of the day now!" I interruped their screams. " Didn't you guys make it?" I asked as I turned to Kuiana and Yanako. Wrong question. " Same as naruto." muttered Kuiana and from Yanako was " Nothing at all."  I stood there dumbfounded. Oh how I widh I was in their class, actuly no, I widh they were in my class and passed. " Well, It's only your first time...I mean, I probably passed on sheer luck.' I reassured them. " You passed." Kuiana determinedly pointed out. " On sheer luck, kay?" I didn't want to be the odd one out. " Fine, but you are training us. Okay?" Yanako cheered us all up. " well I'm gonna hit the bed tonight. See ya Bitches!!!" I screamed behind me.

" hi there Hira, please sit next to Naruto today please.' Iruka instructed me as I entered the door frame. "Hey naruto!!!" I yelled. "Can I sit here?" I asked him. " Uhhh...Huh Hira! Sure!!!" He said in his overly bouncy way. Then saskue and naruto glared. what did I do? I took a picture of it, natrully. They sent me death glares but I punched saskue to make Naruto feel better. Just then, iruka came in and He began calling teams. " That's it for the teams." Wait a minute. I HAVEN'T BEEN CALLED YET!!! " Oh yeah one more thing, we have a odd student this year, Hira Yagashin, she will be in Team..."

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