Testing Time's Big Surprise

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As long as Saskue is an emo, I shall not own Naruto. That means forever. By the way, If you are a major saskue fan, skip this chapter as it insults him a lot. id I mention Saskue has Duckbutt Hair?

We fianlly decided on a nice house, close to the Hokage's home. My room was on the second floor. It was painted black with a red bleeding heart on the wall with the sliver bed. The blood on the heart was also silver. The rest of the furniture was also silver.What could I say? It was absoulutley amazing! Everyone else loved theirs, too. Well almost everyone. Poor Shura got a bright orange and yellow room with red furniture. She cheered up when I pointed out it was Naruto, his mom, and his dad's colors.

" I can't wait for school! I know what the test is, but I wonder if I can do it." I mused out loud. " COme on. You've been practicing the hand-signs since you knew about them. You're an awsome student. You always learn to quickly. And plus, there's a huge library available and those scrolls you got." Yanako made a huge speech to support me. " Alright Mr.blabbermouth." I joked. " I can't wait to see Saskue!" giggled Shura. " Ughh, get over Duckbutt. He is such a little emo.( Sorry Saskue fans!) You need a healthy obssesion." I was disgusted. I absulutley hated Uchiha Saskue. " What's so great about Naruto, or kakshi fo that matter?" She whined. that hurt. Kakashi was hot and the best charachter ever!!!!!!!! " O shit." said Yanako. "She's pissed" " Hell ya, I'm pissed!!! Kakashi is the best charecter ever!!!!!!!!! He's hot, strong, talented, dedicated, kind, caring, understanding......................................." I wasn't gonna shut up any time soon." As for Naruto, he's got muchless natural talent, but e worked so hard, so now he can kick Saskue's ass anytime! They both got terrible pasts, but do you dee him going evil-emo on us? NOOOOOO!!!! Only Sas-gay does that!!! Naruto is wonderful!!!! He's amazing.........................................." I still wasn't gonna shut up anytime soon, or was I? " Hira, please shut up!" begged Nira. "NO! NEVER ALIVE OR DEAD!!!!!!" I screamed " We still have to practice for the Chunin exams." Kuaina pointed out. "Oh yeah! O.K then, me shut up as long as I have proved my point." i compromised.

bought another and told him o give it to Iruka

LAter on ,as we took seperate practice fields, I read and re-read the scroll telling me how to do it, but I still couldn't do it. It was frustrating. Eventully, I went into town to buy ramen for lunch. Then, I saw Kakashi walking out of a bookstore! My mind began reeling like crazy. Then, I realized that he might be able to help me. HE would probably think I was retarted for not knowing Bushin No Jutsu or Kage Bushin No Jutsu. AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I wanted to impress him, but I also wanted to pass the tests. Annoying mind vs. heart match. Anyways, my heart won out and I walked away, defeated. 

As I finished my ramen and gave my compliments to the chef, I saw none other than Iruka  come in. "What luck!" I thought. He could help me! He was used to retared kids! YAY! Wait, did I call myself retared? Yes I Did! Anyways I quickly ordered another one and told the chef to give it to Iruka.  'Hunh? I didn't order? Or do you know my order by now?" Iruka was confused. It's pre-payment for some tutoring." I was embarssed. " Oh! Who are you?" he asked. I'm Hira. I'm gonna take the finals tommorow to see what it's like, but I'm not trained and I wanna pass. Can you please hlep me? I'll pay you!" I begged him." OH! your Hira? The Third-Hokage said you would be joining my class for the finals. Since your in my class, no payment will be needed.I'll help you as soon as I'm done eating. Yum! Miso! " he said. Three cheers for Iruka! "Ok now what do you need help on?" 

" UMMMMM.... Bushin no jutsu?" I asked tentivly. " really?" he asked. " Ya, I'm trying to make 5 of them." I was majorly embarssed. "Well ok. The trick is to....."  

That's how I finally got some training in. " Let's try one more time." Iruka sighed. " kay." I was panting heavily. I'd already finished the shadow clone jutsu and I was now doing some more advanced jutsus. "  Giant Waterfall Jutsu!" I screamed. Finally, A huge waterfall appeared. I'd been training for 3 days straight. " You're a quick learner!" Looks like Iruka was impressed. " I only learned 5 jutsus in total."  I attempted to be modest. " In three days? That's a whole lot!" Looks like it didn't work. " ready for the finals? You must know a lot of jutsus. " he rambled on. " Um... not really. " I truthfully admitted. " Well, tell you what. Due to your amazing training, free ramen tonight." He was being very enthusiastic right now. Weird. " really? Arigato!" I was very happy though. " Can I bring Naruto with me?" I asked. " You know him? Sure. But, you're gonna tell him. Bye!!" as he walked away, I sliently cursed at myself.  Then, I walked away to find Naruto. 

I ran home and found my fan-book that had a handy map. I staked out Naruto's home as he was going in. " AAAHHHHHHH! OH HI!!!" He screamed when he saw me waiting. He really was loud. " Please calm down and lower your voice." I asked oof him." Kay, I'm Uzamaki Naruto." He obyed my wish. " HI! I'm Hira. " I sorta  introduced myself to him. " Hira? Weird name, I like it though." he commented. " Thanks!" I said happily. Then I  began chatting with him before I asked him to come eat ramen with Iruka-sensi and i. " Sure! Your in my class? great!" He still was loud and rambunctous. 

" Hello Iruka-Sensi!" I shouted down the street. He turned around to say hello. " Hello HIra. I see you found Naruto? " he asked. " Yep." Naruto said for me. " Hey...." I complained and then sat down to eat.

" You guys ready for the test?" iruka asked." Yep. I can't wait!" I replied. "Same her!"  Naruto yelled through his 5th bowl. I was on my second. " glad to hear that" Iruka smiled. " Hey, where do you come from hira?" he asked. I froze up. " Village hidden in the stars." I was compelled to say. "Hmmmn, never heard of i, is it  nice?" He asked. I was confused as to why I said that." Yes, very." I said shakily. Then, I was silent for the rest of the night.

Next morning, I got up early and dressed quickly before grabbing an apple and dashing out of the door. today was finally the testing time. I waited there for a while uncomfortable due to a certin emo-lord. He was staring at me. I managed to survive Duck-butt. After a while, Iruka came in  and so did everyone else. I'm not gonna talk about what happened before my turn because you all know what happened to poor Naruto. And yes, I was last. " Hira Yagashin!" Iruka yelled. I don't know why I did what I did next, but I did. I pretended to suck in chakura and knowledge for confidence. It always worked back at home. " Kage Bunshin No Jutsu!" Next moment, The testing room and the classroom was filled with my clones. Both Maniac-Mizuki and Iruka-sensi were surprised. I heard Mizuki mutter something. " HIra...you really are amazing" Iruka suddenly laughed as he tossed me a headband. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! ARIGATO!!!" I screamed as I ran out of the room and dispursed my jutsu. When I ran out of the testing room, I was greeted with surprised and impressed looks. I smiled and skipped back to my seat.


 I hope you enjoyed it! Please vote comment and ...FAN!!! please? I'm always looking for ways to improve and I love getting votes and new fans! Please also enjoy my stories most of all!  I'm going to China for almost the rest of summer to see my relatives, so I can't upload. ;(

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