Tree Training

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Let's say that Kakashi and the others were mad at me when they caught up to me like that. Well, not Naruto, cause Naruto was pissed at Haku for being stronger than him.

"What the hell is wrong with you!!!!" Akakshi screamed at me when he woke up. "YOu knew didn't you? Zabuza'a alive." he glared at me.

"Ummm.......heehee?" I asked as I eyed the doorway nervesly.ira...why didn't you tell me?" he asked angrily.

"Ummmm...IFIDIDITWOULDMESSWITHSPACTIMECONTINUMANDPOSSIBLYMESSUPTHEFUTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"I screamed at the top of my voice and hid behind a his perverted book.

"What the hell?" he asked.

"Can we skip to tree training now?" I asked meekly.

"Wha-" he asked before I ran away throwing his atupid book in the fire as I ran.

"HEY!!!" he screamed, but I was long gone.


"Alright, time for train-" he looked around for me.

"Where's Hira?" he asked.

"Yo!" I called from the underneath of the tallest brach of a tall tree.

"EH!!!!" Everyone asked.

"OH, I ruined the example didn't I?" I asked him.

"Umm, I think you're going to need different training..." he mutered.

"Really? Thank lord, I thought you were going to force me to do stuff I aready learned. Whew!" I said happily. He just stared at me a little sad.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" I asked.

"Huh? Uh, no!" he said. Then he turned away and taught them how to climb trees.

"Come with me." he said making a clone to watch the others.

"...Fine." with that, I jumped down and landed perfectly.

"He suddenly used transportation jutsu and brought me to a lake.

"The hell?" I asked. "Oh, I know how to walk on water." I said turning to him. But, he was staring at the water.

"Why the hell are you staring a a mass gathering of H20 and other minuture lifeforms?" I asked him.

"What?" he turned back to the water.

Hmmm...."Did you lose someone you loved here?" I asked him.

"Ya." he said. How was that possible? I know everyone he lost! It was his dad, mom, obito, and rin! Then I realized that I had been talking out loud.

"How-?" he asked.

"Ummm!!!!! WHAT"S THE TRANING?!?!?" I diverted his attention.

"Huh? To get the locket from the bottem, but hold on!" he tryed to stop me, but I had already gathered Chakara to breathe with and plungned under the water.


I despretly hoped that it was really her. If not, then I was screwed. I then looked out at the water.  

She was taking a long time... Where was she?


Suddenly a wet Hira came busrting out of the water. Kakashi hurried over.

"Did you get it?" he asked her.

To respnd she only reached to the locket and showed him it. Then, she got out and began walking away from Kakashi.

He was, however, wondering why it wasn't the girl he had lost at that time.

Hir turned back and was about to say something, but saw his expressoin. Then, she walked over to him and. .......


That's it! Do you think that I finally got the cliff hanger right? Any ways, there's nothing else here!


the memories had come back like they had always been there. I guess they did... 

Anyways I remebered everything, including how I was now pissed at Kakashi.

I was the twelve tails.  

The ten tails was my little brother. He stole my power to gain power.  

I was the one who gave the sage chakara.  

I was the deity of peace.  

My brother hates me.  

Villigers hate me because of that.  

I've lived in almost every villiage.  

I had 12 lives.  

I was on my last one.

I also remembered my past.

I met the sage as a normal guy fighting the ten tails.  

He didn't hate me for not killing my brother.  

He was brave.  

I showed him how to capture my brother.  

Time went by.  

I met Kakashi. 

He was using age jutsus to make the elders allow him to progress.  

I helped him apply it to his mask.  

We dated.  

I died for him.  

I came back.

So, when I saw him looking so dejected, I ripped off his mask (the jutsu came off) and kissed him.

"W-What the hell?" he asked.

"I'm surprised....The jutsu didn't wear off! " I smiled at him. The aging jutsu seemed intact.

"Y-yeah." he mmbled.

"STOP STUTTERING!!!!!" I screamed at him.

"Hai." he smiled softly.

"Now, pranking time." I said standing up.

"Wait what?" he asked me.

"I was gonna wait pretend I didn't get my memories back, but you're sad face ruined that! So instead, you must help me prank Naruto and the others." I said.

"Should I be scared?" he asked.

"Form: Realease!" I yelled as I changed form. I had three forms. My dear little bro stoe the third. Then, when the smoke cleared, I was 19. And I looked different.

"Very." I smiled evily at him. "LET"S GO!!!"


So I ende up writing more.. I wanted to write this so badly. I had to. And I know this is all rushed and over the top. But, this is my first fan-fic. The others I'm writing have like 3 chapters or less. Don't diss me.

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