Welcome to your home away from home

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Thanks to any and all that have read this so far, I hope you enjoy!



Joss had called me a few times since our meeting to run over filming schedules and what I would need to bring. Someone asked me for my measurements for clothing, a script was delivered for me to memorise and that was it. Apparently the majority of the filming would be in the Nevada dessert and because we were so far from home, trailers would be provided for us to stay in. Thankfully for me Nevada was remarkably close, though I definitely wasn't going to turn down a free place to stay while working. The last thing I wanted to be doing was driving back and forth every day. My character would be in most of the movie so I was required on set from the very beginning. 

I don't think I really understood the enormity of the production until I actually set foot on the site. The place was absolutely colossal. I'd worked out in the bush a lot with my family when I was young and was definitely no stranger to open spaces but this, this was a whole different playing field. It actually made me feel just a little bit homesick for the dusty red earth and the blistering dry heat that I was so used to. I shook my head a little, no use getting homesick when such an amazing opportunity was staring me in the face. Besides, this wasn't going to last forever. Of course the first person I called was Shauna, closely followed by my parents to let them know I was on set and had arrived safely. They were both so stressed about me catching planes and travelling around the place that if I didn't call them I would be berated for days on end. They'd been the same since I was a kid, both my sister and I had had to remember to over inform our parents of our whereabouts almost constantly. It wasn't such a bad thing really, I figured at least they cared about us. 

When I arrived on set there were people absolutely everywhere, swarming around different set pieces, carrying tools and bags and props. Joss had sent me a very vague explanation of where the trailers were located, though pretty much from the second I set foot in the place I was lost. It was massive, there were enormous shed like buildings everywhere with huge numbers spray painted on the sides. Pieces of sets were strewn about the place and little golf carts were speeding passed me. I was just starting to feel like maybe I was way in over my head on this venture when a familiar Aussie twanged accent floated across the breeze.

"Do you need a hand with that?" I spun on my heel and almost slammed head first into the man towering over me.
He held his enormous hands out with at laugh, "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I'm Chris."
I could practically feel my heart in the back of my throat as he proffered me his hand. Fighting the urge to faint on the spot I took his hand with a shaky, "Ava."
Recognition flashed across his baby blues as he let go of my hand, "Ava Jones, you're playing Lorelei, Loki's sister right?"
"Um," I did a double take. Chris Hemsworth knew my name, "yeah that's me. How did you..."
"Joss told us you'd be joining us on set this week," he laughed, a deep throaty sound that made me smile along like the idiot I was, "I was happy to hear there would be more Aussie blood on set this time."
"This is going to sound weird but it's nice to hear someone else with an Aussie accent out here."
"That's not weird at all," he laughed, "it's a relief to be able to talk to someone that can understand you and isn't going to try and mimick how you sound."
I liked Chris. In an odd way he sort of felt like home.
"Do you need some help with your bags?"
"Oh that would be awesome," I replied not even attempting to hide my relief, "I have no idea where I am going. I'm sort of new to all of this."
"Yeah, Joss said that this was your first big budget gig," he said as he hauled my suitcase off the ground as if it weighed nothing. I stared at him a moment, pleasantly surprised by how the sleeve of his t-shirt pulled against his uncannily large arm. Well, it made sense, I mean, he was meant to be Thor right?
"First everything really," I replied yanking my gaze away, "the biggest production I ever did was a short film for uni and that was pretty much me and like six other people hanging out in the middle of the bush filming."
"Well," he nodded towards one of the sheds, "this is sort of the same, just instead of six people. There's six hundred."
I gulped. Yeah, that was the same.

I practically had to jog to keep up with him as we made our way around the side of shed 3. I was a considerable amount shorter than he was and running alongside him I realised just how massive he really was. I'd always thought I was quite broad for a girl but standing next to Chris I felt like an infant. His chest was easily three times the size of mine and I'm pretty sure his forearm was the size of my thigh. I was so caught up in being awestruck by the man beside me that in a feat of what can only be classed as absolute elegance, I walked head first into yet another hulk of a man and ended up on my backside on the concrete floor.
"Oh man, I'm so sorry!" I felt a pair of hands grab my elbows and all but lift me off the ground as I staggered back to my feet.
"No, no, it was all me I was too busy being mesmerised with Guns over here."
Oh god. Did I really just refer to Chris Hemsworth as 'Guns'? Oh god!
I could practically feel the skin melting off my cheeks as I glanced up at the man beside me. He seemed to be rather amused by the comment though as opposed to offended.
"Guns," I heard the newcomer say with a grin, "I like that. I'm gonna get everyone to call him that from now on. It'll make it easier on set when they're yelling at one of us to stop messing around."
I realised in that moment that I had just run full pelt into Chris Evans. Fantastic start to the day.

"Ava this is Chris. Chris, Ava," Hemsworth said by way of introduction. This whole Chris thing was going to be confusing.
"Ha - hey, you're the new kid Joss was telling us about right? Welcome aboard," before I could say anything I was engulfed in a bear hug. I couldn't help but grin as I wrapped my arms a little awkwardly around his waist before stepping back.
"Here, I'll grab that for you," and before I had a chance to protest Evans had taken my backpack from me and slung it onto his shoulder. I felt like I was standing in the valley of the giants between the two of them. It was a bit surreal, I knew how tall both of them were (it's no secret the cast of the Avengers is remarkably tall), their birthdays, star signs, favourite food, favourite film and everything in between and yet standing beside them, they seemed no different to anyone else I'd met in my travels. 

The three of us walked, well they walked I jogged, a little further away from the main area before the trailers became visible. There were hundreds of them all with different signs on them indicating whose was whose. It looked like some sort of trailer home sanctuary. I'd never seen anything like it in my life.
"I think yours is towards the end," I heard Hemsworth say. I scuttled along behind the two men talking animatedly as the walked. Every trailer we passed I snuck a peak at the sign standing proudly by the door.
Jeremy Renner.
Scarlett Johansson.
Chris Hemsworth.
Chris Evans.
Tom Hiddleston.
And then as if it had snuck up on me, Ava Jones.
I came to a halt. That was my name. I had a trailer. A trailer.
"Welcome to your home away from home," Evans said with a grin as the two came to stand on either side of the stairs leading up to the doorway of the vehicle.

The two guys left my bags just inside the door by the tiny little two seater table. They stayed for a brief chat before making their excuses and leaving me to my new surroundings.
"Thank you!" I said with a wave from the doorway. They both threw a wave to me over their shoulders before starting to playfight their way back to their own trailers. I watched them for a moment before resigning myself back inside. There was a double bed at one end and a toilet shower next to it, a fridge and a mini kitchen at the other end and in the middle was a tiny table and a small chest of draws. Overhead were a number of cabinets for extra storage but that was the extent of it. It was nothing to look at but it was enough for the time I was going to be there, and realistically given what I assumed would be crazy filming times I imagine I'd be mostly just sleeping in it. I slowly lowered myself onto the seat closest to the door and stared at the two bags across from me letting out a long breath of air. This was going to be one hell of a ride, to say the very least.

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