Little (Glee) Mix

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So I'm known for writing a popular Glee/One Direction crossover known as:


And since that was guys from Glee I want to be nice to the girls.

Ladies and Gentleman, may I introduce you to (In brackets is the girl they are taking the place of):

Santana Lopez (Leigh-Anne Pinnock)

Rachel Berry (Perrie Edwards)

Marley Rose (Jade Thirwall)

Mercedes Jones (Jesy Nelson)

And together they are....(drum roll)....LITTLE MIX! (Glee version)

This story is based in the second half of 2012



"That was an amazing show, guys." Marley Rose says, jumping around for joy as her and her band mates, Santana Lopez, Rachel Berry and Mercedes Jones, exit the stage from the last show of their summer tour.

They've been a band for a year and already are getting extremely popular. They've been on a tour of the USA over the summer.

But they're still young.

Santana, Rachel and Mercedes are all about 17 and would be starting their Junior Year when school started up while Marley is only 16 and would be starting her Sophomore Year.

"Girls, I have some news for you all." Their manager, Lillian says coming into the room as they are removing their make up.

"What's up?" Santana asks.

"You girls are going back to school." Lillian says.

"What?" The girls say in unison.

"What did you say?" Mercedes asks.

"Well with the tour done, I want you girls to spend a year at High School and try live a normal life for a year. Have a romance, join an extra curricular club and have fun." Lillian says.

"But we're having fun on being as band and having lessons on the tour bus." Rachel says.

"But that's not a normal life, Rachel." Lillian says.

"What school are we going to?" Rachel asks.

"McKinley High in Lima, Ohio." Lillian says.

"My old school." Rachel says.

"Yes. You will be living with Rachel's dads'. I've already spoken with them and they are all for it. So enjoy." Lillian says and exits the room before the girls can protest more.

"I'll have to call Brody about this." Rachel says, taking her phone out and dialling a number. Brody Weston is a famous singer in LA who Rachel has been dating for six months. Most say that Brody just wants the fame since Little Mix are huge but Rachel believes it's love.

The girls don't like Brody though. He's annoying, a jerk and they just hate him. But Rachel won't listen to them saying Brody sucks.


Saying Lima sucks is an understatement.

Lima is boring, empty and there's only one resturant called Breadstix.

"Welcome to Che Berry. Please enjoy your stay." Leroy Berry says, opening the front door to the house for the girls and Hiram.

"This is a nice place." Santana says, looking around.

"Not as good as our LA place though." Mercedes says.

"Rachel, your room is all sorted. Santana, Mercedes and Marley, you all have the spare room. There's a bunk bed and a single bed waiting for you three in the spare room." Hiram says, closing the door behind them all.

The girls drag all their stuff upstairs and into the rooms they're sleeping.

"Shot gun top bunk." Santana says as soon as they enter the spare room.

"Then I get single bed." Mercedes says.

"Looks like I'm getting the bottom bunk." Marley says, diving onto the bottom bunk.

"Respect your elders, Rose." Santana says, climbing onto the top bunk.

Rachel enters the spare room, "My dads' just said that the school semester starts on Monday so we have the weekend to settle into Lima."

"I say we party." Santana says.

"How can we get into a party of people we don't know?" Mercedes asks.

"Well, we're Little Mix and everyone knows us." Santana says.

"Lillian told us we need to live a normal life. Living a normal life means we can't use our fame." Rachel says.

"Damn you, Berry and your will to follow rules." Santana says.

"I agree with Rachel on this." Marley says.

"That's because you're like a replica of Berry but younger and sweet faced." Santana says.

Rachel glares at Santana.

Santana smiles, "Kidding."


Thanks For Reading!

Should I continue?



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