Fine China

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This chapter will probably have some impact on a few couples;

Jarley, Ryley, Brittana, Bram and Samcedes.

Just read to find out what happens :)

PS. Probably go on for two chapters :)


It's a new semester after Christmas Break.

Santana and Mercedes are walking down the hallway and pass a loudly and intense talking Brittany and Sam. Santana and Mercedes look at each other, confused and walk up to Kurt and Tina further down the hallway.

"Trouble in paradise?" Santana asks, nodding her head over to Brittany and Sam.

"Apparently, both of them like other people and they've just be fighting for some reason about who's going to take care of the cat they're raising together called Lady Tubbington." Kurt says.

"So they've broken up?" Mercedes asks.

"I think so." Tina says.

Santana and Mercedes nod and walk pass Kurt and Tina. As they walk further down the hallway, they smile at each other and hi-five.


"This weeks assignment is," Will says in Glee Club, writing up 'FEELINGS', "All about telling that person you've never told about your feelings for someone you've never told to before. Kind of confusing but I hope you guys get my point."

He then goes on to explain other stuff but a few of the club members start to get distracted by their song choices;

Santana, Sam, Ryder and Jake.

The four of them have people they want to sing songs to for their parts of this assignment.

Santana thinks of the song she's going to sing to Brittany but she doesn't want to be embarrassed in front of the entire Glee club if Brittany rejects her so she'll have to sing it alone to Brittany.

Sam thinks of an acoustic song for his new crush. He is now sing since him and Brittany broke up but Brittany's still his friend so she's fine with this. The song he'll sing to his crush has to be beautiful and has to make her fall for him.

Jake writes down some song ideas on his notebook and one idea sticks out to him;

Fine China by Chris Brown.

Yeah, a lot of girls hate Chris Brown for what he did to Rihanna but this song basically shows his feelings for Marley all in one song.

Ryder has so many song ideas in his head for Marley. His song will be singing how he loves Marley. I Only Have Eyes For You and Your Song stick out for him.


"Can I sing something to you?" Santana asks, walking up to Brittany in the hallway. Brittany nods and grabs Santana's hand, dragging Santana into the choir room.

"What did you want to sing to me?" Brittany asks.

"A song for this 'feelings' assignment," Santana says and gestures to a seat, "Sit down."

Brittany goes and sits down. Santana nods at the band to begin play and Santana sung.

For you, there'll be no more cryin'

For you, the sun will be shinin'

And I feel that when I'm with you,

It's alright, I know it's right.

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