We Are Young

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"This just in, famous teenage girl group Little Mix have moved to Lima, Ohio to spend a year at the local high school, McKinley High School. The girl group made up three 17 year olds, Rachel Berry, Santana Lopez and Mercedes Jones and one 16 year old, Marley Rose, have told the reporters they want this year to be as normal as possible." The news reporter on the TV says.

Kurt Hummel, being Little Mix's biggest fan, stands up and jumps up and down. His step-brother, Finn Hudson looks at him weirdly and Kurt's boyfriend, Blaine Anderson also stands up and jumps up and down with Kurt.

"They're going to our school! They're going to our school! Aren't you excited, Finn?" Kurt asks, still jumping.

"No. There just a girl group who are like super popular." Finn says.

"There not just any girl group. They've broken records, made millions and sold out arena shows just this summer." Blaine says, since he is also a fan.

"I've got to text Brittany, Tina, Sugar and just everyone." Kurt says, taking his phone out.

"What about Quinn?" Finn says. Quinn is Finn's pregnant girlfriend. She's currently 7 months pregnant and they've been together for a while now. She got pregnant when they were in the hot tub and he 'prematurely ejaculated' and it travelled into her.

"Quinn isn't my friend." Kurt says.

Finn rolls his eyes and just changes the channel.


The weekend passes and the girls of Little Mix arrive at McKinley in Leroy Berry's car.

"Welcome to McKinley, girls." An Indian man greets them as soon as they exit the car, holding the door open for them.

"Thank you, Principal Figgins." Rachel says.

"She knows my name! Rachel Berry of Little Mix knows my name!" Figgins says, fangirling (or should I say fanboying) loudly.

"I know who you are since I used to go here." Rachel says.

"Oh." Figgins says, closing the door after the last of the girls gets out.

"Oh my god! Look over there everyone! It's LITTLE MIX!" Someone shouts out across the carpark.

Loads of people stampede to the girls and ask for autographs, photos and hugs. Some of the guys even ask for kisses.

"Rachel Berry?" A voice asks.

"Tina Cohen-Chang!" Rachel says and gives the Asian girl a hug.

"It's been so long. I knew you were leaving McKinley all the time ago to go do some singing for a group but I didn't know you'd become this popular." Tina says, releasing Rachel.

"You've changed too, Tina. How's it been without me?" Rachel asks Tina through the midst of the crowd.

"I'm actually getting solos in Glee Club and it's a large club now. I'm also dating the football player, Mike Chang." Tina says.

"I remember him being really cute and you always being so nervous to talk to him." Rachel says.

"Well he talked to me since he apparently was too nervous to talk to me." Tina says.

"To me, you will always still be my nervous best friend with the stutter." Rachel says.

"And to me, you will always been my big nosed best friend who had dreams to be on Broadway," Tina says, "Come join Glee club."

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