Deer Attack

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Emily is wearing this outfit for pajamas at the top.

Emily's Pov

I woke up to the sound of my Mom and Dad screaming. I got out of my bed and ran to my door and opened it "Mom Dad you okay " I asked. Then I saw a deer run out of their bedroom, and run past mine. Keithie opened his door "No way can I ride him" he asks. "Wasn't Christmas like 7 months ago or is Santa coming early this year!!!" I said sarcastically to my Dad and my little brother. Then I turned my head when I heard another door open, and it was Becky "A DEER" she shouts, jumping up and down. I ran after the deer and followed it to the bathroom,I stopped in the hallway to see what it was going to do. It ran into the door, and broke the door open. I didn't realize that my mom came up behind me to see what it was going to do too. Then I saw the deer rip open the shower curtain, and Greg noticed the deer, and screamed. "I'm blind" I screamed and covered my eyes, and ran into the other direction, and down the stairs. I noticed someone left the door opened. I was brought out of my thoughts when I saw the deer come down the stairs. I then bolted into the kitchen. But the deer went into the kitchen also. I was in front of the counter in the kitchen watching the deer eating our dog Bower's food. I noticed that there were 2 bras on it's antlers a pink one and a yellow one, and I saw the yellow one was mine. I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard my dad whispering my name. "Emily go over to your mother NOW!" He whispered shouted. I turned and saw he had Mr Gigglesworth in one hand, and his other hand motioning to come over to him. I walked over to him and saw my mom in the entrance of the kitchen, also motioning her hand over to me. Once I was out of the kitchen my mom and I ran into the hallway, where I saw Greg, Becky, and Keithie. "Where were you Little Bit" asked Greg trying to hold up his towel. "In the friggin kitchen Greg" I said sassy. Then I saw my dad run out of the kitchen and out the front door, with Mr Gigglesworth in his hand with the deer running after him. We followed him outside, and I saw the deer ripping Mr Gigglesworth apart. "Problem solved" my Dad said. "MR GIGGLESWORTH DADDY HE'S KILLING HIM!!!" Becky cried. "New problem begins" Dad says. "Dont worry princess I'll sew him" I tell her. "Nice bras Mr Feder" says the mailman, and he turns towards me and gives me a smile like he knows what bra is mine. I then turn around and hide behind Greg while covering my chest with my arms. Then my mom grabs me, and brings me back in the house. "I swear to god that mailman is probably having the most perverted thoughts right now" I say to mom. "All men are pigs" she says to me. "I'm going to go get dressed" I told her. "Alright hun" she says to me while I walk up stairs. When I get to my bedroom I opened the door, and leaned against it "This is going to be one crazy summer " I say then walk to my closet to pick out a outfit.

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