The Date

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Hi guys sorry I haven't been updating a lot but I have chosen the date for Emily and Andy which will be the fair, but I'm also going to use this idea from @hotsammi13. Thank you everyone for the ideas and the votes and reads. Hope you love this Update. Also Emily's outfit at the top. Also I picked a song that I love that I think would be fabulous for the date. It's called Black Magic from Little Mix.

One Week Later....

Emily's Pov

I was looking through my closet with my mom trying to find the outfit we were looking for. My mom then told me to go look for earings. I then ran to my jewelry box and picked out my feather earings. "I found it" Mom called. I then walked over to her where she was laying my outfit on my bed. "Okay you hurry and get dress you only have 15 minutes till Andy picks you up, I'll be down in the kitchen if you need me" Mom says walking out of the room. I then started to get dress.

Lenny's Pov

I was with the guys in the kitchen when I saw my wife Roxanne come into the kitchen. "Hey mom is Emily gonna hogging up the bathroom" Greg asks. "Why would she be hogging up the bathroom" I ask. The guys and I exchange glances. "Um Emily is going on a date with Andy tonight" Roxanne says. "WHAT SHE IS NOT GOING OUT WITH THAT GUY!!" I shout. "Yes she is and you can't stop her she is 20 years old" Roxanne says. I then heard a car horn, "Oh its Andy" my wife says smiling. "EMILY LOVER BOY IS HERE" Greg and Kethie shouted. I then saw my daughter walk down stairs. "Shut up you too" Emily says pointing to Keithie and Greg. "You are not going on a date with him" I say to Emily. "You can't stop me I'm not a minor" she says and walks out the door. "Mom Dad we are out of milk" says Becky. "Oh me and the guys will go get some more" I say. I then turn to the guys, "Ya ya of course we will" Eric. "Fine but if you do follow your daughter on her date It will take along time for her to forgive you" says Roxanne. The guys and I then got in the van, and started to follow Emily. We then found out where they were going, they were going to the fair.

Emily's Pov

Andy just pulled into the fair grounds. I was pretty much jumping up and down on the seat. "Excited Babe" Andy says with a smirk. "Yes I'm very excited" I say to him. When we got into the fair we started going on rides the first ride we decided to go on was the ferris wheel. Once we got on to the ride I saw something firmilar. It was the hat Marcus wears I shook my head at the thought. The next ride was The Drop. Andy and I ran over to the line. Once they strapped us to the seats we started going up. But something caught my eye while going up on the ride. It was Kurt Makenzie, I thought he was probably here with his wife. But then someone came over to him. When I looked closely at the person I realized it was....... MY DAD. He followed me here!!!! I can't believe he would do that. After that me and Andy decided to go to the photo booth. Once we got inside we did a funny face, then a shocked face, then just a normal smile, then I kissed him on the cheek, but I was surprised when he kissed me on the lips when the camera flashed. But once we walked out Andy was punched in the face, it didn't really hurt Andy It didn't even draw blood. I looked to see who punched him and I saw my dad. "WHAT THE HECK DAD I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT!!!" I screamed. "Your lucky Andy won't press charges" I say to my dad. I then looked back at Andy who was staring daggers at my dad but I really didn't care. I took Andy's hand and took him to the Demilolition Derby show. We both really enjoyed the show, he kept betting on number 01 because it reminded him of the Dukes Of Hazzard, that's another thing we have in common. But anyway Andy won the bet it was so funny he started doing his happy dance, I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard. Then the fair was closing so we had to leave. But that didn't mean we were done with our date, so we got into his car and drove to the swimming hole. I then took of my shirt and pants, thank goodness I had a bikini under it. THANK YOU LEXI I said I'm my head she did the same with Patrick except she didn't have a bikini so ya. Well then we went swimming, after that we just sat on a rock and looked at the stars I then saw a shooting star. "Make a wish" I say to Andy. "Mines already came true" Andy's says looking down at me, since he was on his side. "You" he says. I then start blushing like crazy so I try to hide it with my hair, but Andy's hand stopped me. "Don't you look so cute" he says. I look at the time and it's 3:00 in the morning. "Do you want to stay on the campus tonight since it's 3 in the morning and you will be living here in about 2 months so it doesn't matter if you do" he says playing with a stran of my hair and looking into my eyes. "Ya" I nodded. He then picked me up and brought me to his dorm room. When we walked in you won't belive who I saw. I saw Lexi on her phone, with Patrick cuddling her while he's asleep. Lexi then turned her head and looked at us she then smirked "Well how did your date go" she asked. "Good until my dad punched Andy in the face" I say "Ohh did it hurt" Lexi says asking Andy. "Barely felt it" Andy laughs. "You stayin" Lexi asks. I nod and blush. Lexi then trys to get up but she was trapped by Patrick's protective arm that was over her waist. "Pick something out of my bag" she says pointing over to the black duffle bag in the corner. "I'd get it but can't escape Mr Cuddles right now" she says pointing at Patrick. After I changed Andy lead me to his bed, and we climbed in it. I then went on my phone, "I thought you were going to sleep" Patrick says looking at Lexi. I guess she woke him up "When Emily and I mean sleep we mean on our phone for 2 hours then sleep" Lexi says looking at me. I then put my phone away and cuddled into Andy's chest, he then wrapped his arms around me I felt safe and protected when he did that. I then let darkness take over me.

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