"Welcome to New York"

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"Okay, I can do this. I will just have to survive here for a few days and I am out of this place", I whispered to myself. And what, you might ask, am I doing in New York and not in my warm, cosy room in London? Well, thanks to my wonderful manager, I've to do a report on a fashion show here. Let's just say that I hate anything to do with fashion and clothes. I also hate to follow trends.

After getting my bags, I went out of the airport. Up to that, I really didn't know what to do. So, I just stood there like a klutz, pretending to know what l was doing. Suddenly, I saw a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes eyeing me carefully. Her red lips were curved into a warm smile and she seemed to be making her way towards me. Somehow, I knew I've seen her somewhere before. I just can't seem to remember where...

"Excuse me, but do you happen to know a Jane Robertson anywhere here?" the woman asked with a thick American accent.

"Why, yes, in fact, I am the person who you happen to be looking for. May I know the reason why?"

"I knew it! Hi, I'm Taylor. I was instructed to fetch you from here and send you to your hotel. Well, actually, it's more like I volunteered. And, you can really make interviews fun!!"

That's when I realized that this was Taylor Swift. That singer-songwriter that I interviewed before. No wonder she looked so familiar. That's when it came to my senses that I was going to be driven to my hotel by the Taylor Swift!! Wow. This is going to be one heck of a ride.

I reached NYC at ten at night, but the lights were still shining brightly. It was a really pretty sight. The only downside was there was a massive jam. Cars of all shapes and sizes were stretched along the road.

"So, what kinda music you listen to?" Taylor asked with a glint of hope in her eyes.

"I like all kinds. But, my favourite is your music", I replied cheekily.

"Oh, cool. Well, you know what? I happen to have some of my CDs right now", Taylor replied, ever so cooly.

I picked out her latest album and played it on the radio. The first few chords of 'Welcome to New York' played. Soon the both of us were singing along to Taylor's catchy tune.

And it said welcome to New York,

It's been waiting for you,

Welcome to New York,

Welcome to New York,

It's a new soundtrack, I could dance to this beat, beat,

Forevermore, the lights are so bright, but they never blind me, me,

Welcome to New York,

It's been waiting for you,

Welcome to New York,

Welcome to New York.

Her songs are just so catchy! You can't blame me. I think we finished the whole CD by the time we reached my hotel.

"Hope I see you again!"

"Don't worry. You'll be seeing me sooner than you think", Taylor replied mysteriously.

I had a quick shower since it was getting really late. I slipped into my warm, fuzzy pyjamas. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell into a deep sleep.

Welcome to New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now