The day before the big day...

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Taylor's point of view

So, everything is set. I have already sent Jane her gift. A beautiful necklace with a delicate ruby pendant. I purposely didn't get anything gor Andrew because I didn't like the sound of him. Zachary is now memorising the lines to 'Speak Now'. I didn't ask him to do that though. I just asked him to download the song on his phone. We were going to play it when the preacher says, "Speak now or forever hold your peace".

We hope the song would distract the crosd for a little while. Then, Zachary and I would emerge frome our hiding place and, boom! Wedding's over. I don't feel good about this, but a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do. Even if it means crashing and ruining a wedding. Sigh.

"Taylor? You ready?" I heard Zachary saying.

"Yes. We leave tomorrow. You know the lyrics now?"

"Yeah. Test me?"

"Later. I need all the luck I need for this operation to be successful. As I mentioned. I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion".

"But Jane is not the kind of girl who should be marrying the wrong guy. And, you were invited". He cocked an eyebrow knowingly at me. I stiffled a smile in response.

Jane's point of view

"Andrew, stop it", I said as Andrew was kissing the side of my neck. We were going for our wedding rehearsal. Everyone but Taylor could make it. But, she did send me a beautiful necklace with a gorgeous red heart on it. I was wearing it right now.

"Why can't I?" Andrew moaned. I laughed in response. He sounded like a baby.

"Because many people are sacrificing their time for the rehearsal tonight. Save that for tomorrow night", I replied.

He sighed and let me go. When I was finally done, he wrapped his arms around my body and kissed me like there was no tomorrow. But, for some reason, it never felt like it was natural. It felt like...I was lying to myself. Like I was forcing myself to marry Andrew when my body wanted Zach. I told myself to shut up and focus on the kiss.

When Andrew finally let me go, we made our way to the church. I would've loved an outdoor wedding, but Andrew didn't like it. He booked a church before we could even talk about it. I just went with the flow. Who would want a huge fight right before a wedding? That's so...wrong.

Zachary's point of view

"You wish it was me, you wish it was me, don't you", I quietly sang to myself as I was packing my clothes. I needed to learn all the words by heart to make the big move tomorrow. Taylor and I were going to London tomorrow. This sitch is just like from all those romcoms Jane made me watch with her when we were still dating.

I don't care if she doesn't accept me back into her world. She deserves someone better than Andrew. Andrew was never one of mine or Jane's favourite people before the break-up. Now, they're about to get married!

Fingers crossed that she gets some sense kicked into her and refuses to marry him before we do anything. But, the chances of that happening is like Taylor Swift stealing from a candy store. Sigh.

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