"Shake It Off"

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Taylor, Carly and Zach had just left. I sent them to the airport just now. All I can say is that, that drive was the most awkward drive of all time.

So, the house was filled with the sound of nothing but the sound of me crunching on my Marks & Spencers milk chocolate cookies. Then, I heard a loud knock that startled me so much that I dropped my cookie.

"Come in. It's opened", I said.

"Well, well, well. Jane, I came here to tell you that I forgive you and that I am still willing ti marry you. And, knowing you, I'm sure that you'll accept this time around", Andrew, who just entered my house, announced.

"You're right. I do accept this time. And I want our wedding to be held as soon as possible".

"How does next week sound?"


I smiled, dropped the cookie onto the plate and ran over to kiss him. My mind was playing this song all the time after Zach left. I didn't need him. Only my true love would come back for me.

I stay out too late,

Got nothing in my brain,

That's what people say mm, mm,

That's what people say mm, mm

I just love that song! The moment I think about the song, I completely forget about the whole Zach situation. I seriously need to thank Taylor for writing this song because it has helped me tremendously in so many of my pathetic little problems.

So, Andrew literally dragged me to the car to go tell our friends and loved ones about our wedding. I even e-mailed an invitation to Taylor. I also almost sent and invite to Zach. But, how awkward would it be to have your ex-boyfriend at your wedding? It would be so awkward.

Then, I spent the rest of the day choosing my bridesmades and the dresses for the. I decided to choose my sister, Irene, my friends, Christine and Christina and my cousin, Lilian as my bridesmades. I also chose an off-the-shoulder peacock blue dress for them. I also definitely want Lilian's son, Charlie to be the ringbearer. While I was e-mailing all the 'chosen ones', Andrew came up to me and told me to stop working so hard. So, I told him that it was for our marriage and he laughed in response. Then, he pulled me into a nice, long kiss.

Honestly, Andrew made me so happy. I wonder why I ever decided to cheat on him with that idiot, Zachary. I mean, if he really loved me, he wouldn't leave me with my heart shattered into a million pieces. Right? But, some part of me wishes that he stayed and not leave me with Andrew. On second thought, that is a terrible thing to think of my fiancé.

Anyway, enough about him. The less said about him, the better. I am going to be married soon! I know some couples wait, but I want to marry Andrew as soon as possible. And nothing, and I mean nothing, can get in the way of this seemingly perfect wedding.

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