"Teardrops on my guitar"

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So, I'm finally back in London. Yay. Andrew has greeted me at the airport with a French kiss. When he did that, I really felt guilty. I mean, how can you not feel the guilt when you know you've abruptly cheated on your boyfriend? He helped me with my bags and I really felt like I did not deserve his love for me.

Andrew must've sensed something was wrong on the account of me blushing like crazy.

"What's wrong? I know there's something wrong because you always blush when something goes wrong."

"You're right, of course. But it is of something unimportant. I completely forgot to buy you and the rest of you guys souvenirs!"

"That doesn't matter at all."

"I guess I was caught up with.......some stuff....."

I was feeling so bad. He slid his arm around my waist and led me to his car. I slid into the passenger's seat and Andrew to the driver's seat. When we reached my house, and all my luggage was settled, Andrew asked me to go to the living room. I had absolutely NO idea what the hell he was going to do. I just hoped that he won't to any romantic gestures or anything.

So, I just went to my stupid living room to get it over with. I saw him kneeling on one leg while holding a little velvet box in his hands.

Please don't propose to me, please, please, PLEASE!!! I thought.

And yet he said;
"Jane Robertson, will you marry me?" he asked me, way too cheerily.

I don't know what came over me. I was just crying and crying. Then, I ran to my room and locked the door behind me.

Andrew came running after me. I knew because I heard his footsteps. Oh, why oh why do I need to break a perfectly good heart??!!

"Jane? Come out of there! You didn't answer my question! What happened? Please tell me!"

I slowly opened the door and saw him look positively worried.

"I'm sorry, Andrew. I just can't. I am the most horrible person on earth! I don't even deserve your love! I am just plain horrible!"

"What's come over you? Please tell me, Jane. You do know that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, right?"

"I know, it's just that......I......well...... I kind of cheated on you."


His eyes were kind and caring. I jist couldn't stare into them. Instead, I admired my floor. It's such a beautiful floor, you know!

"I met my ex-boyfriend, you know, Zachary. And I don't know what came over me. The next thing I knew was I was in his arms, kissing and saying that I love him. I am so horrible."

I didn't dare look at his face. I know he'd be hopping mad.

"Jane, look at me. You're not horrible. I'm just...well, shocked at your behaviour. I never thought that you'd actually, you know, cheat on me."

Andrew looked so pale. If I were him, I would've beat the living daylights out of me. No, that would be wrong. Andrew walked away from me. I locked my room door and got my phone. I went on YouTube and searched for 'saddest break-up songs'. The first video was 'Teardrops on my guitar'. I just kept on playing the song. Such a sad melody.

'Cause he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar,

The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star,

He's the song in the car,

I keep singing, don't know why I do

After the song ended, I called Taylor. She answered on the first ring.

"Hey, Jane. What's up?"

"I...I actually have a boyfriend here."


"I know, I know. He proposed to me and I turned it down. I hate myself. I really, truly do."

"This sounds like Zach and I are making a little trip to London. Bye now!!"

I was too sad to think about what she was going to do. I just hope that it's a good surprise.

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