Chapter 5: The Awkwardness

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We're meant to be together
We're meant to be dating
We're meant to love each other
But why is it so awkward. Maybe because we were friends for so long. I'm so used to hiding my feelings. I just wanna rip his clothes off, but no

I'm not okay, I'm not okay, well I'm not okay I'm not ofuckingkay-

I hit snooze for the 38925th time and continued to lie in bed staring at the ceiling. I sighed and rubbed my forehead. I need to sort this out. I had been avoiding Phil for almost a week and it wasn't fair on him. At all. I sounded so stupid. I'm avoiding the love of my life. I started to ponder over what Phil might be doing.

I shook my head and decided to call Tyler. He was coming to the UK soon for his book signing so I'm going to head of to one of them and freak out any Phans that might be there. I hadn't seen Tyler for a couple of months now and I really wanted to do a collab.
I reached for my phone and dialled Tyler's number.
"Hey Dan" he spoke sleepily. Shit did I wake him
"Hey Tyler. How are you" I replied a little too chirpy. He groaned into the phone "I'm fucking tired. What about yourself" I laughed awkwardly "Phil and I are together" I instantly regretted it and there was silence for a good five minutes. I sighed shaking my head "I thought we had something" he said fake-hurting "but seriously really?" I nodded even though he couldn't see me "a week now but we've been ignoring each other. I don't know I'm just not used to this" he hummed in reply "right I'm getting a flight in 22 hours we can talk when I come over. Will you pick me up from the airport"
"Yeah sure. Right im gunna see if I can talk to him. Bye babes" I joked and hung up.
Now to sort out my relationship.

I dragged myself out of bed and crawled across the floor for a good 10 feet before stumbling to get up. "Phil" I whined. He looked up from his phone and smiled "yes dear" i smiled back and kissed his lips "what's going on with us. We have barley spoken"


Dan was right. We hadn't. I just wanted to lay with him. Kissing his lips I pulled him down "I don't know. I love you I do. Why don't we do things together. You know to get used to the idea." He nodded enthusiastically and kissed me.

I bit on his lip and pulled away smirking "you have know idea how much I wanna rip you clothes off" he whispered sexily. I bit my own lip and moved over to straddle him. Leaning down I whispered in his ear "why don't you show me sometime" let's be real I was getting turned on but I couldn't. Not now. I swung my leg over and scooted of the bed "I'm off to shower" I winked. I loved leaving Dan speechless.

I turned on the shower and undressed. The water poring over my body, relaxing me. I heard the door creak open "Dan I hear you. Cheeky bugger" I laughed. "Fuck" he muttered "oh by the way Tyler is coming over tomorrow" he said and left. I squealed internally. Tyler was amazing. He was such a good friend. We had really bonded over the past few months and I was exited to see him again. I finished up and dryer off. Wrapping the towel around my thin frame I walked out into my bedroom. Dan was waiting on the bed. "Go on shoo. I need to get dressed " he shook his head "I'm gunna see you naked eventually." Now it was my turn to be speechless. I had never seen this side of dan. Did I bring this out? I smirked at the thought and shook my own head. "Nope shoo." He sighed in defeat and shuffled out.
I wonder how much I can tease him
Heyoo. I got the wattpad app. I didn't before because I had no room on my phone. But now I can update more. Yay. Right k I'm off to right another chapter

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