Chapter 6: The Teasing

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After drying my hair and clothing myself it was noon and I was bloody hungry. I always seem to take ages in the shower. Dan was in the kitchen making a brew and I snaked my arms round him
"Hey sexy" he muttered, adding sugar into his tea. Time to tease. A cheeky smirk spread across my face as I  slipped my leg between his and grinded into him a little. His breath hitched and I stepped back. "Phil quit teasing me you little shît" he whined. I poured "aw but it's fun" he shook his head "no because I don't wanna rush. And it's driving me crazy" i giggled a little
I freaking giggled. "I know dan I'm sorry" but inside he was driving me crazy too. "Right Tyler is coming tonight I think. He texted me saying his flight got moved earlier and we need to get him at 11:45pm" Dan spoke sitting down and slurping his tea. I groaned "but that super late. I won't be able to sleep" I winged. He playfully hit my arm "shush. You can sleep now if you want." I nodded and pecked his lips before straddling him again "Phil what are you doing"
"Can we nap together I get lonely" I pouted. He sighed but nodded and he skipped to my room dragging him by the wrist


My alarm went of and I hit snooze. It was like 10:30pm and I needed to get up. My hair had gone hobbit but when my straighteners decided to fūck themselves up I had to survive the night with stupid hobbit hair. Phil thinks it looks cute but I disagree. On the subject of Phil he was sound asleep with his tongue pocking out. He looked so adorable but so hot at the same time. It's a shame he gets so much hate in YouTube. Who could hate this lil' ball of fluffy sunshine.
"Phil. Wake up baby. We need to go get Tyler." He stirred slightly and I was surprised we stayed asleep for that long.
After trying to wake him up i jumped on him "AHHH" he screamed and pushed me off the bed. I landed with a thump and burst into fits of laughter. "Dan you gave me a heart attack" he smiled holding his chest. I was still on the floor "oh my god- y-you should - should have seen your -face" I spluttered out still laughing. "I'm guessing we have to get Tyler"
As we were still warring normal clothes I slipped on a beenie and some shoes before heading out with Phil.

The drive there was silent. But not an awkward silence. Phil rested his hand on my thigh. I looked at him and raised and eyebrow. He bit his lip and moved higher. My breathing hitched "Phil" I moaned shakily "I'm driving" I tried to stay composed but Phil wasn't having any of it. He squeezed my hardening member through my jeans "you look so fûcking hot dan" I bit my lip. I couldn't take this. I slammed on the brakes and quickly pulled over. "Oh you're so getting it Phil" I moaned before smashing my lips against his


Dan and Phil were meant to be here half an hour ago. I've tried texting and calling them but nope. They didn't pick up. I hope they're okay. I tapped my fingers against my suitcase and sighed. Dan's almost never late. I was about to give up waiting and call Louise but they walked through the past me looking flustered "guys I'm here" I called. They turned round and blushed "we sorry Tyler the erm car was broken?" I wasn't convinced by Phil's excuse and why did dan have is hobbit hair. I shook my head "anyway come on I'm super tired. I've got so much sleep to catch up on. The sleepovers in Australia really wore me out" I stood up and followed them to the car. Dan was limping slightly "Dan have you hurt you're leg" I questioned. His cheeks reddened "er yeah I was exercising" Phil sniggered at Dan's answer. I was so confused.

I loaded my suitcases into the boot and sat in the front seat. Putting on some Justin Bieber I tapped my foot along to the rhythm. Dan kept shuffling in his seat and obviously was in pain. He stepped on the break as we came to a red light. I needed to talk to Dan when we got home. As we turned a corner something tapped my foot. I looked down and tried to make out what it was. As the street light lit up the car my chest tightened. It was lube. I gasped and covered my mouth "what wrong Tyler"
"Oh my GOD YOU GUYS FÜCKED IN THIS SEAT. EW" I screamed. All the colour drained from Dan face and I started laughing uncontrollably.

So that's why they were late.

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