Chapter 8: The Roadtrip

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We walked round the London streets aimlessly and I was beginning to feel hungry again. Everywhere was packed and Tyler dragged us in to get a cheeky Nandos. We ended up staying in the humid building for a few hours just catching up. Phil next to me, out fingers interlocked and Tyler opposite us picking around his meal with a fork. I had just about finished, leaving any and all traces of the disgusting green leaves on my plate. Phil on the other hand hadn't touched any of his meal made up of chargrilled chicken with some sort of spice coating and long crispy chips. I traced circles on Phil's hand as Tyler began to speak

"So it's a few weeks till the book signing and I thought we could surprise a few fans all over England. Who wants to go on a road trip" I instantly lit up inside. I had always wanted to go on long road trips with loved ones. Especially Phil.
"Yes that's an amazing idea!" I spoke excitedly squeezing the raven haired boys hand, earning a little squeeze back. Tyler hummed as he had a mouthful of food.
"So" he started off "I can access ticket holders addresses and let's say we pick 5 from each location?" Me and Phil nodded "this will be great" Phil exclaimed

"Oh my god fûcking zip you bîtch" I shouted while siting on top of my suitcase trying to close the damn thing. Finally it zipped up and I sighed in relief "come on you slow ass were going" Tyler shouted. I chuckled and wheeled my suitcase towards the car.
"Okay so first we go all the way to Yorkshire then make our way down" Phil spoke getting into the mini van we had hired. It was big enough for us to sleep in at night. I loaded my suitcase and some blankets into the back before slamming the doors shut and getting into the front seat. As this was a van we could all sit in the front seat which made more room for stuff. I checked that we had a load of money to live off and Tyler strayed the engine "fuck here we go" I breathed. Phil rested his head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arms around him.

We had been driving for around two hours listening to 'trxye' and 'wild' on repeat. Phil had fallen asleep and I had put a blanket over his small frame. Tyler and I we singing softly as we entered some more countryside. We had around 4 hours left and it was now 8 pm. It was a spontaneous decision and we had started packing as soon as we got home, but I knew we wouldn't regret it. I loved meeting Phans and to be able to surprise them was an amazing feeling. I took a picture of the 3 of us and tweeted it with the caption
On a road trip with Tyler and Phil. Planning to surprise Tyler Oakley ticket holders at their door. Could it be you?
Instantly everyone went apeshit and the phan tag blew up. All our fans were dying at the thought of this and to be honest I was nervous but super excited too.
Tyler pressed the radio on and 'sing' by my chemical romance was playing. "Don't cry Dan" Tyler whispered "craft" he finished. I chuckled to myself, remembering the April fools we did on everyone. I looked around to see where we were. There were no signs but Tyler insisted we were going the right way. As it was September, the sun was starting to set and I thought it would be a good time to snooze as I would be driving through the night. Tyler whispered 'night' before I was out like a light.

Random phangirl (me)
Holy mother of shît. I was freaking out about Dan's tweet and my mum thought I was going crazy. My mum had recently got me and my sister tickets to see Tyler and I hoped I could be one of the people they visit.
"Did you see Dan's tweet" I shouted on FaceTime to my friend Kirsty. She squealed "I did I did. Omg I hope it's me"
We fangirled for about 3 hours before I went to sleep (by sleep I mean spending 278492 hours on Tumblr and being incredibly tired the next day) I dreamed about meeting dan, Phil and Tyler. Praying it would come true. But then again. I have a super small chance so it could never happen to me.

Could it?

I awoke to see darkness. I panicked for a second but then realised what was going on. Looking to my right, Dan was now driving and Tyler was bopping along to something on the radio "hey babe?" I croaked out. Dan smiled at me "where are we" no one replied "oh god are we lost"
"No no no. We just haven't passed a sign for a bit. Don't worry Phil. Look there's one. Okay we are near Yorkshire. Yes!" I smiled with delight and reached for the five addresses we had picked for the Leeds. Okay so we have two for the same address. Oh wait let me get another one. Okay which one is further away" I quizzed. Tyler studied the tickets and pointed to one. I nodded and dan slowed the van down into some grass by the road. "We should all sleep properly now" he yawned. " so we don't look like zombies for tomorrow" we all agreed and made our way into the back. I snuggled up to dan while Tyler snuggled into his sleeping bag. We exchanged 'nights' before I checked my phone. One thing I had to do was charge it at the different houses. The numbers read '00:26' and I drifted off again in Dan's arms

Yay new update thingy. So the phangirl is me lmao and Kirsty is an actual friend who will be reading this. So shout out to her and my other friend Kimberly. K bye

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