Chapter 16: The New Girl

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I'm finally free from the stupid f-ing cast. I can move and jump, well not jump but I can walk again. Phil and i went to a restaurant near by to celebrate. we had champagne and everything, it was so beautiful. I love him so much.

We were walking home, hand in hand, in the peace and quiet when-


I panicked and let go of Phil's hand before spinning on my heals to see a girl about 15 nearly in tears. Phil walked over and gave her a hug as she continued to cry. I took this time to admire how gentle Phil was. I smiled to myself.

"are you okay now" Phil spoke softly. She nodded and pulled away from the hug and blushed

"I'm sorry for freaking out" she laughed nervously. We both shook out heads.

"its fine don't worry. Whats your name?" i asked


"well Kait, we could sign something if you want then we've got to be heading home" i chuckled. She nodded eagerly.


We both stumbled into our flat laughing at how Phil had just made the worst pun ever. We had gone to the off-licence after then gone home just to make sure she wouldn't stalk us home. I was still worried she could of seen us holding hands but phil told me not to worry. I brushed it off and ran up to our door and slid the key into the hole and letting phil in. I noticed a women at the end of the hallway struggling with some boxes. I let go of the door and ran over to the women.

"do you need some help" i asked nervously. She turned to face me with bright green eyes and smiled.

"if you could yeah" she replied sweetly handing me her keys and i opened the door to see an empty flat piled high with boxes. She must be just moving in. I grabbed a box off her and followed her into the flat. She dropped the boxes carelessly on the floor before turning to me as i placed the box on the stool. "thank you" she smiled again, this time dimples showing, how cute, "Im Georgia by the way" she said, extending her arm out. I shook it replying with "Dan" she sorted the skirt of her dress out before glancing at the time.

"Well Dan its late but do you wanna get coffee tomorrow." i nodded slipping my hands into my pockets. "see you then" i smiled leaving her apartment. Well she seems nice. Georgia, Georgia. I kept repeating the name. It rolled off my tongue nicely. I got pushed out of my thoughts by walking into the door. Well done Dan. Phil opened it for me and smiled.

"Who was that then?" he asked curiously.

"Georgia, she's new" i walked in to my room and looked over at my camera, it was still set up from today. I chuckled to myself before talking it down and off the tripod. It was now 11pm and i turned my phone back on (i had it off for the date) and got dressed into my pjs. Well i say pjs when its just my boxer shorts. (a/n nice mental image for y'all)

My phone started going crazy with notifications. I frowned and grabbed it. Tumblr, twitter, IG all of them. And it was of the same thing. A photo of me and Phil holding hands. I started to panic. That kait girl had seen us. There is no denying it now. Phil came bursting in.
"So are we telling them" he sighed.
"Tomorrow" I replied because right now I had better things to do. And I was staring right at him. I looked him up and down. He held a confused expression but then understood what I was getting at. Because damn Phil Lester looked bloody hot and he was all mine.

I woke up to the stupid birds singing and the sun poring out of my window. Phil was cuddled next to me and he smelt like sex (yes there's a sex smell apparently idk). I shook him gently and he groaned a bit.
"Sore?" I mocked him. He punched my arm lightly and opened his eyes. Then It dawned on me.
How do we come out.
We had been together like 4 months but I had loved him for 6 years. It seemed appropriate to just tell it as it is.

We sat down at 1pm and we told it like it was.
"And I saw him for the first time and I died inside. He was perfect and he was blind to think otherwise. And it hurt so much to know I couldn't tell him"
I babbled on for a bit then got to the point.
"I struggled with sexuality all my life but with him i don't care.
Now you probably all know who it is so this probably won't come as a surprise"
Phil slid into shot and smiled. "So I guess phan is cannon" he giggled. I smiled and kissed him "I love you"
"I love you too"

Shortly after we uploaded it tumblr went down. We had officially broken it. I was in stitches laughing and Phil was replying to twitter comments. I don't know why I was scared because everyone practically knew anyway. I tweeted cheekily

Thanks to Kait for leaking those photos of me and Phil holding hands. Don't worry we're not mad ;)

And I was being truthful. I wouldn't have told anyone without her. So I was thankful and so was Phil. His smile dropped when Georgia knocked on our door and asked for me. And he wasn't too pleased when I grabbed my coat to head off to Starbucks. Never the less he kissed me deeply and I headed out.

"So Georgia where did you live before" I said sipping my drink
"Manchester. I moved here because I guess London hold better opportunities"
I smiled "I used to live there. Then 3 years ago my roommate at the time and I moved here. Oh and what are these opportunities then" she blushed a share of pink.
"You probably fined this silly but I'm a YouTuber" she looked down and I lit up.
"How many subscribers?"
"Almost 1 million why?" I laughed
"Imagine YouTuber too" she looked into my eyes and grinned with excitement "oh my gosh what's you're username?" I chuckled nervously
"Danisnotonfire?" She nodded
"I've heard of you" oh goody. We could collab or something in the future.

We ended up talking about YouTube for 3 hours before heading home. She is so nice it's unreal. I said my goodbyes and walked into my flat. "Phil" I called out.
"Yep" he shouted back
"Im home" he didn't reply. Well then I best make a video.

I have a new story lineeeee

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2016 ⏰

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