Chapter 10: Near Misses and Hospital Calls

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One more household to visit. Then we would be heading home. It had been a long 3 weeks and I was tired as fûck.
I had seen so many fans and it was so overwhelming. I loved traveling with Dan and Phil. We were currently driving through the hectic London traffic and Dan was swearing his ass off. We were just entering London and I don't think Dan had entered London this way in a long time. I was sat in the back with Phil playing eye spy as it was about the last game we hadn't played. I longed to go back home and sleep properly. Ugh I couldn't wait. Don't get me wrong, I love meeting fans especially they way we have been doing but it really took it out of you. I think I've completely fûcked up my sleeping patterns but I don't even care. Korey was coming to the UK soon and we would recored another psychobable episode ft Dan and Phil.

"Oh for fûck sake move into the right bloody lane you cûnt" Dan shouted making me and Phil burst into hysterics "what? It's not that funny" Dan snapped. Phil quickly undid his seatbelt and slipped in the front "babe calm down. You're doing fine. Just a few more miles" Phil soothed him, kissing his cheek.
On the subject of Phan. They might have let on to a fan that it's real. Well that might not be the right wording.

Dan grabbed Phil by his shirt and slammed his lips into phils passionately kissing him. Rose, the fans house we were at walked into the room with a glass of water but instantly dropped it, smashing it. Dan turned round and placed his finger on his lips "shhh. No one will believe you anyway" he whispered.
*End of flashback*

Yeah. That was slightly awkward. She wouldn't stop crying because Phan is real. I had to comfort her for a while. We left swiftly after that. It was good though.
"Fûck yes we're through the traffic we will be home soon" Dan shouted in joy. I laughed softly and went onto Twitter

One more house in London then we're off. Who could it be?

The last person was a girl named Kimberly. She lived a few blocks from Dan and Phil. But obviously we weren't going to tell here. They would not appreciate that.

Well she was nice. Kimberly was her name. Big fan of us all. She is a hardcore shipper of Phan. Maybe someday we can tell them, not yet though it's too early on in our relationship. It still is weird to me, that I'm with my best friend who I love so much.
"Dan focus" Phil shouted. I looked ahead and swerved a bit. Man I need to quit day dreaming.
"Sorry" I mumbled and pulled into a parking space. I sighed a massive sigh of relief. It was so good to be home. My own bed.
I climbed out of the car and rushed to get inside. I needed to sleep for 7 years. "No Dan help us drag the stuff into the lounge then we can go out for dinner or something" Phil smiled. I nodded and reached for my case. I grunted as it was quite heavy. Heaving my suitcase up the several dozen stairs i dumped it by the sofa. Tyler and Phil did the same. I grabbed my keys once again and locked up the flat. We then began walking back into the centre of London.

We ended up getting Nandos again and I finished up the last bit of my food before wiping my mouth with a napkin. I hadn't been to Nandos many times but when I did the food as always great. Tyler payed this time and I interlocked my fingers with Dan. He smiled at me as we walked out. It was getting dark and a harsh breeze was making us all shiver. Adding to that it was starting to rain so I knew dan wanted to get back. We walked across the somewhat busy streets towards home, car wheels making the squelch sound as they whizzed by on the wet ground. By now it was starting to get heavier so Tyler put up a mini umbrella he had. I personally really liked walking in the rain. It was so refreshing. I let go of Dans hand to press the button on the zebra crossing things. Cars zoomed by and it seemed to take forever for it to beep. I sighed and quickly ran across not looking properly. I saw a bright light heading toward me and I froze. I heard someone scream my name in terror and everything slowed down. I felt an impact on my body and was knocked to the ground. But the impact wasn't like a car. I sat up and my vision focused. My heart stopped at what I saw. Dan had screamed my name. Dan had pushed me out of the way. Dan took the fall. And now he was lying on the wet ground in a pool of his own blood. Tyler was shaking him "Dan. DAN WAKE UP PLEASE" he was saying. But it was like a was frozen. I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything. I was just watching the love of my life laying there lifelessly.

Enjoy my mochachoes

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