Chapter 2: A Year After

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One year later, and the thoughts of that night still ran through my mind, almost every night. Terrorising my dreams, and keeping me up most nights.

Josh promised that I could get over this, but only by going back to Blackwood pines, and reuniting with everyone who once was there a year ago.

The idea of returning was what seemed as a nightmare from my perspective, although I felt as if I needed to go back, for josh. He has been experiencing intense psychological issues, and I am not willing to stand by and watch the destruction of who he once was.

I had been apart of Josh's, Hannah's and Beth's lives for years, I was Hannah's best friend. I practically spent everyday with Hannah's whole family, including her brother, josh. I don't want to see him getting more ill after everything that he has been through.

10 minutes later of walking up the sadly familiar path to the ski lift for the lodge, I had to stop myself from anxiously searching the area, as I began to panic, afraid of this setting.

Luckily, I saw chris' backpack on the bench, next to sam's. A sigh of relief left my mouth as I sat down onto the bench waiting for them patiently.

When I heard multiple gunshots, I screamed grabbing my bag and running back. Before I could leave this hellhole, I felt chris grab me by the wrist and pull me back to the area I was just in.
"Woah, woah, woah. Lauren relax, it's only me and Sam. We were practice shooting." He said as he let go of my wrist.

"Really!" I shouted as I held onto my chest tightly, trying to somehow calm myself down.
Chris was laughing as he picked up his and sams bag.

"Lets-lets just get to the lodge." I begged chris.
Sam's mouth turned into a curved smile, as her arms wrapped around me. I had missed her so much, apart from Hannah, she was my closest friend. "I have missed you." I said to her as I stopped the hug.
"So have I, we need to catch up." She said determined, as she walked off to chris.
The three of us jumped inside of the ski lift, as we activated the machinery.

I looked outside of the carts windows to see a mountain full of trees with snow delicately covering the scenery.

Chris and Sam were talking constantly about how Chris had met josh.
I blanked them out, as I focused on my beautiful, natural surroundings.

"Boom! Butterfly effect." Chris muttered at the end of there conversation as I began to pay attention to them.
"We are here, finally." I said as I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to warm up.

I jumped out of the cart quickly, excited to meet everyone again, and to try and get some sleep.

Chris and Sam were arguing about which was better, games or music, and the argument kept going for hours, it made me laugh at how opinionated they both were.

"Fine, lets ask Lauren." Sam demanded.
"Which is better, games or music?" Chris asked me.
"I can't choose, I'm sorry." I laughed as I saw how excited they were to see who's argument was preferred.
"Really! Ugh." Chris moaned.
"I'm just gonna stick with my option, since I am always right." Sam laughed as she knocked onto the lodge door.

Chris hurried off around the corner as he noticed Ashley siting on the stairs by herself, on her phone.

Chris and Ashley have always had this obvious connection. But both of them are just too afraid to admit their own feelings about each other. Which even makes me want to say it for them, that's how long this has been going on for.

"Why don't they just get together get?" Sam said whilst laughing.
Ashley heard as she rolled her eyes, and her cheeks started to go red from her embarresment.

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