Chapter 3:

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His cold plump lips were now attached to mine, and I didn't know what to do.

After an awkward second of just sitting there, I decided to kiss him back. I could tell how excited he was by the kiss getting more intense. His lips were repeatedly kissing mine, as his hands went around my waist.

His hand slowly fell down to my bottom, as I felt myself start to tense up. I pushed his hands away from my body, as I stopped the kiss.
I mean I could have carried on for hours, but I had to think about how special and important our friendship was, and was I willing to give it all up.

"I'm sorry, I-I just.." I said awkwardly, "I don't think I can do thi-" when a knock against the bathroom door helped me to forget about the awkwardness.

"Lauren, are you alright in there?" I heard Sam ask, as I quickly got up from the floor and exited the room.

"Y-yeah I'm fine." I lied as I tried not to cry again because of Jessica.
"Where is jess now?" I asked Sam.
"She is talking to mike, so come out here for a bit." She said with a smile.
This have me reassurance as I felt more relaxed and able to for into the conversations.

The smell of burning wood started to relax me more, as I sighed loudly, as I collapsed onto the couch.

"That was a good fight." Chris said as he patted me on the back. It was an obvious joke, but it kind of made me upset as I didn't want to think about it. I am usually good at keeping a level head, but I lost my cool big time. I knew I was going to blow up one day.

"How the hell, am I going to be able to be civil with her these next couple of days?" I asked everyone, with a sigh.
"Just ignore her." Ashley replied.
"I don't think she will want to talk back to you after today." Sam said with a smirk.
"Of course, team Lauren for the win." Chris said while laughing.
"I think I might leave. It might be the best thing to do." The smile from my face vanished as mike and Jessica returned back into the living room.

I started to get cold again, as I didn't learn from last year what clothes are appropriate to wear. This year, I had worn my black skirt (and tights) with my black plain t shirt, I know it's boring but I feel like it complimented me the best, as the dullness brought out my shape.

I was also wearing my thick black boots, with my soft long coat, that helps to consume my body in warmth.

Josh returned from the bathroom as he joined all of us in the living room, next to the fire.
"It's so cold, I am shivering." I said as I tried to hug my body for warmth.
"Guys, you want anything to drink?" Josh asked us, as he made his way to the kitchen.
Everyone asked for cider, but I felt like not drinking all together. Most of the time I was the person who would look after everyone who had passed out drunk. I didn't like the responsibility, but I love helping the people who I care for around me.

It was only 1 pm and we still had the rest of the day and night to have fun, and they have already decided to drink. "Alcoholics." I muttered, with a smug smirk on my face.
Josh returned with many drinks in his hands and a blanket hanging over his shoulder.

"Thanks but what's that f-" I said to josh as I pointed to the blanket.
"I heard how cold you were." He said sweetly as he put the blanket on top of me, and sat down next to me.
"I don't know if I feel comfortable enough to stay here anymore." My eyes darted over at Jessica who was also looking at me. For some crazy reason, I wanted to apologise to her, but we were both too stubborn to say a word.

Jessica was clinging onto Mike's arm, I could see how displeased mike was of her, as he awkwardly moved her arm off of his, so he could separate himself from her.

I looked back at Jessica who was already staring at me with an evil glare. Her face had a red mark across her cheek, and I could see bruises forming.

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