Chapter 36: Trust.

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After sitting for hours taking in the nature and the beautiful moment, laying in Josh's arms, I had realised what the most important things in my life were which at this moment seemed to be the people close around me.

The people who can always help me.

My family, friends and of course josh. "I could stay here forever.." I muttered in thought, as I clung onto Josh's body tighter.

"I could too if it wasn't so cold.." He complained as he started to shiver. I nodded my head in agreement as I started to shake also.

He quickly intertwined my hand with his as we both got up from the floor.
"Goodbye sis." He said twice as he looked down at the flowers, almost as if it symbolises their grave for him.

On the way back, he didn't say a word, as we just walked for a long time through the forest until we had reached the car.

My fingers let go of his as I was about to open the door, until josh stopped me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him confusedly.
"Thank you.." He blurted out as he quickly hugged me, tightly.

"It's okay josh, I would do anything for you." I said honestly, as he stopped the hug. His eyes kept looking directly in my eyes and to my lips back and forth, it was obvious what he wanted.

So I just tilted my head up to reach Josh's lips as I kissed them softly. His lips were so cold, worryingly cold. That was when I knew it was time to get back in the warm.

"Lets go, because it is too cold out here." I laughed, as I opened the car door and entered.

Even the car was cold and I could feel myself struggling not to shiver. As josh got in the car he picked up a blanket from the back seat and wrapped it around me. "T-thank y-you."

Josh was freezing as well, so that was his motivation to get us home quickly.

I managed to keep the mood at a positive atmosphere throughout the journey home, since I didn't want to see josh upset and crying anymore. That was painful to watch.

As he parked outside his house, he rushed outside the door, mainly from the cold, as he grabbed his key and let me into his house.

The house seemed warmer luckily, as I collapsed onto the couch, trying to regain my heat which I lost in the forest.

"I think a shower would be great right now, a warm shower." He muttered.
"Care to join me?" He said smoothly which made me smirk.
"No I am okay." I said while laughing.

"Have you got any food here? So I could cook you something?"
"Yeah I have some in the fridge..but don't cook me something. You don't need to." He said quickly.
"I order food so don't worry, but thanks babe." Josh shouted down as u heard him start the shower.
"Okay." I replied as I jumped onto Josh's couch.

The sounds of the water dripping from the shower was so calming, I started to fall asleep from it, until I got multiple text messages from pete.

Pete: I still haven't seen you in a long time, Lauren. You are really worrying me.
Me: I am fine pete I swear.
Pete: Where are you? I just want to see you.
Me: I'm over Josh's.
Pete: just meet up with me somewhere just so I can talk to you for 5 minutes

I rolled my eyes in anger as I knew I had to go see him or he will not stop talking about it.

"Josh..I might have to go out for a couple of minutes, I shouldn't be long, I promise."

There was clear worry in his voice as he shouted back, "Where are you going? With who?"
"I have to meet pete he is worried about me." I said in reply quickly.
"Babe, I don't want you to go."

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