Chapter 32: Forgotten Friends.

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After my emotional breakdown, josh managed to calm me down, so I could sleep for a little bit although it wasn't for long.

I woke up to see josh not by my side; which upset me. "J-josh?" I said upset, as I stretched my arms over to his side of the bed, feeling alone and slightly afraid.

I picked up a new pair of underwear from under the bed (within my suitcase) as I put them on, needing to get changed to find josh.

I rummaged through my case to wear a t-shirt to wear loosely, just to wear something comfortable around the hotel room.

After looking for a couple of minutes, I couldn't find a suitable long t shirt until I found Josh's long T-shirt which he had left on the floor last night.
"He isn't going to use it.." I said to myself, as I put it on me. It was extremely comfortable, and made me feel a little better, almost as if I had felt safer.

I wiped my eyes slowly as I stumbled to the front door, thinking I had heard something. "Josh?" I said confusedly, as I opened the door.

There was nobody there, which surprised me. "Where is he?" I thought to myself.

"Josh?" I whispered through the abandoned halls of the hotel, when a young man walked down the hall.

He didn't notice me as he walked to his front door, until he finally looked up at me.

"Lauren..?" The mans voice alerted me from my thoughts, as I looked at him with my eyes squinted trying to see who he was.

He looked familiar but I felt too tired from just waking up to try and process who this person was.

"Oh..h-hey!" I said pretending, whilst I was trying to remember who he was.
"You don't have a clue who I am, do you?" He said whilst laughing, as I joined him.

"I am sorry, it's that I have only just woken up now and I am a little hungover." I admitted, trying to explain myself to a possible stranger.
"It's okay, I haven't seen you in so long! I would be shocked if you remembered me now.." He walked up to mine and Josh's hotel room, as he leant his arm against the wall next to my door.

"It's Noah! Your previous best friend, well when we were little, until I moved to New York." He said jokingly, and that's when I remembered.

"Oh my way! You have changed so much, I hardly recognised are all grown up now!" I said while laughing to him.

I could see him quickly look me up and down, as he had hoped that I didn't notice but I did. "You also look so different.."

My cheeks immediately heated up, as my cheeks reddened quickly. "Oh uhm yeah..sorry, I wasn't exactly expecting company."

I tried to cover my legs with my arms as I tried to pull my t-shirt further down to cover up most of my naked body.

I could see josh walking up the hall as he seemed defensive and confused, as he walked up the hall quickly to see what was going on.

"Lauren? What's going on?" He asked me, as he looked at me up and down wondering why I was only wearing his shirt and talking to a random guy.

He wrapped his arm around my waist, as he protectively pulled me closely against his side.

"I found an old friend, can you remember Noah?" I asked him but they both looked at each other confusedly, like they couldn't understand why I was introducing them.

"Oh well, anyway..Noah this is josh, josh this is Noah." I said quickly as I pointed between them both, josh didn't seem amused almost as if he didn't want to be talking to him, although Noah seemed happy to talk.

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