Chapter 39: The End is Nigh.

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Mike was still searching everywhere trying to find a way out of this mess, whereas josh and Sam were by my side, trying to help me.

"What's wrong?" Josh asked anxiously.
"I don't know, I got a sharp pain in my stomach..something's not right.." I worried as I felt pain whilst speaking.

Mike sighed loudly, as he punched onto the wall behind us, which turned out to be wooden.

He immediately made a hole into the wall, which managed to unlock the window above it, the movement made the lock crack from the force.

A large grin grown on Mike's face, as he swung the window open.

"I think I found our way out." He said excitedly, as he looked down the window.

"There is a big drop but I think we can handle it." He said with hope, as he got a step so we could reach the window.

Josh got up from the floor, as he gently wrapped his arms around me, whilst helping me get up from the floor.

The pain at this point was excruciating and it was hard to control my tears.

"I don't think I can make it." I said honestly.

"You can baby..y-you can." Josh said as his voice shook slightly, as his emotions shone throw.

"I can't." I said in a defeated tone.
"I will make sure that you will." He said as his eyes started to well up.

My legs were shaking but I managed to reach the window by myself as I looked down nervously, wondering whether this was the best thing to be doing.

Mike and Sam jumped down first, then I attempted to.

As I jumped down, I managed to fall down onto my ankle, hearing an obvious crack in my bone.

"Ah!" I screamed in pain, as I felt immense pain surround my right foot, my ankle swollen up almost immediately as I felt extreme pain.

Josh quickly jumped down as he heard my screams.

"Lauren..oh god." He muttered to himself as he noticed my ankle.
"I-I can't do it.." I whispered.
"You can and you will." Josh said in a determined voice. His arm wrapped around my side, helping me get up and supporting me so I was able to walk.

Both josh and I followed mike and Sam, trying to find a safe place to stay or hide for now. As we saw that there was a new ski lift. We were puzzled at why there was a new one, and who could have made it but then we knew that the police force would have needed to re-create one to be able to analyse the forensic evidence and to see if our statements were true.

After what seemed like hours of walking, I felt the need to give up.
"It hurts, josh.." I cried in pain, as he helped drag me through the snow, my tears were hurting also at this point, and I couldn't help but feel nothing but pain.
"I know baby..I know." He said as he squeezed me a little bit for support.

The sounds of footprints treading in snow echoed behind us, as we noticed one of the creatures was after us.

Mike and Sam immediately ran as quickly as they could to the nearest shelter, which was the small building that was right next to the ski lift. It was like a small office.

"We need to go!" Mike shouted angrily, mainly from fear, not from hate. His words repeated in my ears, as I tried my hardest to walk fast.

Josh was still by my side, causing himself to be dragged down with me.
"Just go..leave me." I said honestly as I wished for him to go on without me, so he could be safe.

We were only a couple of inches away from the building at this point, but the creature was right behind me, I could feel it's shadows haunting me.

As soon as josh opened the door and got in, I felt the creatures sharp nails cut along my chest and stomach.

Josh immediately grabbed the gun and shot it multiple times, although it didn't react well, it just got moved backwards, it didn't die.

Sam's hand grabbed onto my waist, as she helped to pull me inside of the building, as josh locked the door after us.

I no longer could stand up properly, as I collapsed to the floor in immense pain.

The cuts were deep against both my chest and stomach, I was losing a lot of blood, too much blood. I could feel myself losing heat and becoming cold.

Every 5 minutes I would be going in and out of consciousness. My whole body was shaking in pain.

Josh knelt down to my side as he held my body in his arms.
"Don't worry Lauren..I've got you." He said whilst getting upset.
"I don't think I am going to make it."
"I am getting you and our little one out of here." He said getting upset, as he put his hand on my bleeding stomach.

My colour was changing, and I was starting to feel sick to the point of death.

Josh saw my change in colour as he started to worry, holding onto me tightly, afraid of letting me go.

"J-josh.."I whispered as I held onto his arm, which was wrapped around me.

He laid me on his lap, with his arms still around me, trying to make me as comfortable as I could be.

"T-thank you.." I said as a smile appeared on my face, my eyes closed automatically.

Josh burst into tears, I have never seen him this upset before.

I could feel him move his lips down to mine, as he kissed me passionately, trying to keep me forever in his arms. The only thing I was able to feel was his soft lips, which managed to make me feel no pain, as I smiled.

"I love you.." He said in between cries as I felt my arms deteriorate as I couldn't move them very much, I was becoming limp.

With the last bit of energy in my arms, I put my hand in his, squeezing it tightly.
"I love you too josh.."

After those words left my mouth, I felt my whole body start to shut down. My body was so cold that I felt my heartbeat decrease instantly.

My eyes slowly closed for the last time, as I felt a small smile appear on my face, finally being able to be free.

The darkness was first unnerving, until it become more relaxing, as I felt my heart take its last beat.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Tomorrow I will put up the VERY LAST chapter of this story. It is intense and I can't wait for you guys to read the FINAL end!!!

Once again, thank you for supporting me throughout this story, with votes and comments :) love you guys x.

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