Part 2: The Monster

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Alana's POV:
It all started when I turned eighteen, and I became the queen of the fairies. My whole life, I was trapped inside the fairy realm, and rarely left the palace walls. When I was crowned queen, I had the freedom to leave the fairy realm, and venture out to other realms. I am naturally curious, and I left immediately. I stepped inside the magic door, and into the human realm. It was very different from the fairy realm. The trees were green instead of pink, and there were strange moving machines everywhere. I realized that here, I did not have wings, and my wand wasn't working. I ran across the street as soon as it was clear, and into the first building I saw. I now know that this building is called a diner. I looked around, and saw humans everywhere eating food. I went up to the first person I saw and asked, "Where am I?"
"Ummm you're at Sally's Diner.......," she responded, seeming confused.
"You're a mortal, aren't you?" I asked her, just to make sure I was in the right place. Suddenly, a man that was standing in the corner grabbed my hand and whisked me out of the diner. He was very pale and had dark brown hair. He was also very strong, and looked about twenty.
"Let go of me!" I screamed. He ignored me, and took me to an alley behind the restaurant.
"You shouldn't be talking to a human like that," he said, seeming annoyed.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Humans don't know about the other realms, obviously. Why are you even here? I've never seen a fairy in this realm before."
"I'm the queen, I can go to any realm I want. The real question is why are you here?" I asked. He smiled slyly.
"I'm hunting," he replied simply. Then I realized what he was. I began backing away slowly.
"Just because I'm a vampire, it doesn't mean that I'm going to bite you. I'm hunting humans."
"Oh, alright then. I'm Alana by the way." I said.
"I'm Asher," he replied.
"You're very beautiful Alana," he said, as he took a step towards me.
"Well thank you," I answered quickly, taken aback by his boldness. Suddenly, he grabbed me, and bit me on the neck. I screamed. Before he could kill me, humans began rushing towards my screams. He ran the opposite direction, and disappeared as quickly as he had appeared. I had a huge gash in my neck, and I was going in and out of consciousness. I needed to get back home, so I could be healed with magic. If I didn't, I knew I would turn into a pure-blood vampire, and never be able to return home. I slowly stood up, and pushed past the screaming humans. I limped across the road, and into the forest. I stepped inside the magic doorway, and collapsed into my room at the palace. I pulled out my wand and sealed the doorway, and then, everything went black. When I woke up, my neck had been healed. My sister, Jade, was standing over me.
"Alana, are you alright?" she asked.
"Yes, I'm fine," I answered.
"What happened to you? I was so worried!"
"I don't really want to talk about it," I answered, embarrassed that I had been stupid enough to believe a vampire.
"Alright, well I'll be back to check on you later tonight. Then maybe you'll be ready to talk about it. Get some rest, ok?" she said, and she turned out the light and shut the door. Little did she know, that checking on me would be a big mistake.

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