Part 5: Jade's Deadly Attraction

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Jade's POV:
I ran through the magic door, and quickly sealed it shut, just in case Alana got any bright ideas. I was doing this for her, anyways. I was going to kill the pesky vampire that bit my sister. Before I had entered the human realm, I cast a spell so I could use magic in this world. I used magic to conceal my wings, and changed my outfit to a red t-shirt and a black skirt. I waved my wand over my feet, and put on a pair of black boots with a small heel; that way it would hurt more when I kicked the blood-sucker in the gut. I just left my hair and makeup the way it was; I kind of liked it. It made me look older. I slung my duffle bag over my shoulder as I strode out of the forest.
"How could she be so stupid?" I thought to myself as I crossed the street. Our mother had disappeared a few months ago, and before she left, she told me to take care of Alana. I love Alana, but she's always been sort of care-free, and a bit ditsy. Unlike her, I researched the human realm before I came there, so I knew exactly how to fit in. I walked into the diner that Alana was attacked in, looking for clues that could lead me to her attacker. I picked up the local newspaper on the rack, and read the main headline. It read, "Double MURDER! Two Teenage Girls Killed and Missing!" I read the article, and it described an older girl with long blonde hair (my sister), and a younger girl with short, curly, golden hair. I shuddered. It said the younger girl was killed in Banksville, which is about an hour away. I decided I would check there to see if the vampire was still hunting in the same place. I went behind the building, and teleported to Banksville. It was a small little town, with many farms and fields. There was a BBQ restaurant across from me, and I decided to check there, remembering that this was the place she had been bitten. I walked inside, and there were many country people scattered about, eating sloppily. One man whistled at me as I walked past. I wrinkled my nose in disgust and hurried to a table at the back of the restaurant. Country music was blaring in my ears, and there were peanuts all over the floor.
"No wonder he picked this place. There are plenty of people stupid enough to fall for his tricks here," I thought to myself. I wasn't being stereotypical, I just strongly dislike places like this. Suddenly, a beautiful, pale man moved out of the shadows, and sat across from me. He had light brown hair, and looked about twenty. I could tell he had brown-colored contacts, and I was sure that underneath, his eyes were red.
"What's a purty gurl like you doin all by yourself?" He asked in a country accent. My face hardened into a tight frown.
"Cut the crap, I know who you are," I whispered.
He muttered something under his breath.
"And who might that be?" He asked playfully, using his real voice now.
"A monster," I whispered, putting emphasis on the last word. He looked shocked.
"Let's take this conversation outside, shall we?" He asked. It wasn't really a question; it was a command. He gripped my wrist, and dragged me behind the building. I had one hand on my duffle bag, ready to pull out my wooden stake.
"You're the new queen fairy, aren't you?" He asked, taking a step closer, backing me into the wall.
"Name one reason I should tell you anything!" I sneered. He took another step, almost closing the distance.
"Because I want you," he whispered.
I pulled out the stake, and just as I was about to stab him, he caught it, and threw it behind him. He laughed.
"You really thought that would kill me? I'm the prince, soon to be king! You're going to have to do better than that!" He shouted.
"As you wish," I mumbled, and took out my wand. I wouldn't be able to kill him, but I could at least weaken him. I hit him with a stunning spell, and he fell to the ground. I walked over to him and laughed.
"How was that?" I asked. Suddenly, his eyes turned black, and he was able to break the spell. Using his vampire speed, he stood up and bit me on the neck. I screamed. He chuckled.
"You're mine now," he said, and everything went black.

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